c# Programming Glossary: myproject
Control VisualSVN Server from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10017282/control-visualsvn-server-from-c-sharp repoClass.CreateInstance repoObject.SetPropertyValue Name MyProject ManagementBaseObject inParams repoClass.GetMethodParameters..
How to get the source file name and the line number of a type member? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/126094/how-to-get-the-source-file-name-and-the-line-number-of-a-type-member let's say you have compiled this file into an assembly C MyProject Foo.cs 1 public class Foo 2 3 public string SayHello 4 5 return.. Does not exist sourceFileName would contain C MyProject Foo.cs and sourceLineNumber be equal to 3. Update System.Diagnostics.StackFrame..
Should I stop fighting Visual Studio's default namespace naming convention? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1289425/should-i-stop-fighting-visual-studios-default-namespace-naming-convention to the ViewModels folder would result in the namespace MyProject.ViewModels instead of just MyProject . When I first encountered.. in the namespace MyProject.ViewModels instead of just MyProject . When I first encountered this it annoyed me. My class names..
How can I update a cell value in a dB table, using SQL Server CE and C# (Visual Studio 2010) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13235527/how-can-i-update-a-cell-value-in-a-db-table-using-sql-server-ce-and-c-sharp-vi string like c Users Me Visual Studio 2010 Projects MyProject bin debug HKRMoviesDB.sdf That is not right that is hard coded..
Service Reference Error: Failed to generate code for the service reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3977560/service-reference-error-failed-to-generate-code-for-the-service-reference C Users Admin documents visual studio 2010 Projects MyProject MyProject.MessageHandler Service References testService Reference.svcmap.. Admin documents visual studio 2010 Projects MyProject MyProject.MessageHandler Service References testService Reference.svcmap.. Service References testService Reference.svcmap 1 1 MyProject.MessageHandler Warning 6 Custom tool warning Cannot import wsdl..
build visual studio project through the command line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5669765/build-visual-studio-project-through-the-command-line can build a .sln file or a .csproj file. MySolution.sln or MyProject.csproj See http msdn.microsoft.com en us library dd547591.aspx.. set msBuildDir XCOPY . MyProject Bin Release . . BuildResults That way you remove a directory..