c# Programming Glossary: listview1.selecteditems
Entity Framework Delete Object Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1217052/entity-framework-delete-object-problem arama new FirebirdEntity NEW_TABLE del NEW_TABLE listView1.SelectedItems 0 .Tag arama.DeleteObject del arama.SaveChanges c# entity.. object to the ObjectContext . Try NEW_TABLE del NEW_TABLE listView1.SelectedItems 0 .Tag arama.Attach del arama.DeleteObject del arama.SaveChanges..
WPF Listview Access to SelectedItem and subitems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1402878/wpf-listview-access-to-selecteditem-and-subitems MouseButtonEventArgs e System.Windows.MessageBox.Show listView1.SelectedItems 0 .ToString Still new to C# and .Net and banging my head against.. wpf listview selecteditem share improve this question listView1.SelectedItems 0 returns an object . You first need to cast it to its specific.. object sender MouseButtonEventArgs e Book book Book listView1.SelectedItems 0 System.Windows.MessageBox.Show book.ISBN Don't forget to add..
Remove the Selected Item From ListView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1425623/remove-the-selected-item-from-listview improve this question foreach ListViewItem eachItem in listView1.SelectedItems listView1.Items.Remove eachItem where listView1 is the id of..
Open Folder and Select the file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/334630/open-folder-and-select-the-file System.Diagnostics.Process.Start explorer.exe select listView1.SelectedItems 0 .SubItems 1 .Text listView1.SelectedItems 0 .Text how can.. select listView1.SelectedItems 0 .SubItems 1 .Text listView1.SelectedItems 0 .Text how can I get this command to execute in c# c# explorer..