c# Programming Glossary: loadlibrary
Change C# DllImport target code depending on x64/x86 [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11934570/change-c-sharp-dllimport-target-code-depending-on-x64-x86 write delegate types for every exported function and use LoadLibrary GetProcAddress Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer to create..
C# - Set Custom Path to Referenced DLL's? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1892492/c-sharp-set-custom-path-to-referenced-dlls load the required DLL's by path and filename i.e. in C LoadLibrary . What I'd prefer to do however if there's a way would be to..
Compiling C# to Native? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1921656/compiling-c-sharp-to-native But couldn't those just be replaced with GetProcAddress LoadLibrary calls anyway c# .net compiler native share improve this question..
How to execute an executable embedded as resource http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2176122/how-to-execute-an-executable-embedded-as-resource it wants to call. You'll need to walk this table and call LoadLibrary GetProcAddress to fill in each import. Next memory protection..
Reference a GNU C (POSIX) DLL built in GCC against Cygwin, from C#/NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2710465/reference-a-gnu-c-posix-dll-built-in-gcc-against-cygwin-from-c-net like DllImport kernel32.dll public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary string dllToLoad DllImport kernel32.dll public static extern.. helloworld.dll IntPtr pDll LoadLibrary path IntPtr pAddressOfFunctionToCall GetProcAddress pDll hello.. Console.ReadKey But this approach doesn't seem to work. LoadLibrary returns null . It can find the DLL helloworld.dll it is just..
Set DllImport attribute dynamically http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2818011/set-dllimport-attribute-dynamically IntPtr dllHandle ... if dllHandle IntPtr.Zero dllHandle LoadLibrary mcs_apiD.dll if dllHandle IntPtr.Zero throw new Win32Exception.. SetLastError true private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary string name DllImport kernel32.dll CharSet CharSet.Ansi SetLastError..
Global Hook Keylogger problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3540572/global-hook-keylogger-problem DLL Imports DllImport kernel32.dll static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary string lpFileName DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Auto.. nCode wParam ref lParam public void hook IntPtr hInstance LoadLibrary user32 hookHandle SetWindowsHookEx WH_KEYBOARD_LL hookProc.. _hookProc new KeyboardHookProc hookProc IntPtr hInstance LoadLibrary user32 hookHandle SetWindowsHookEx WH_KEYBOARD_LL _hookProc..
Embedding unmanaged dll into a managed C# dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/666799/embedding-unmanaged-dll-into-a-managed-c-sharp-dll during initialization and load it explicitly with LoadLibrary before using P Invoke. I have used this technique and it works.. the one that is already loaded into the process. IntPtr h LoadLibrary dllPath Debug.Assert h IntPtr.Zero Unable to load library dllPath..
How can I specify a [DllImport] path at runtime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8836093/how-can-i-specify-a-dllimport-path-at-runtime handy managed wrappers the P Invoke marshaller just calls LoadLibrary . Those rules are enumerated in great detail here but the important..