c# Programming Glossary: loadprops
Use OpenOffice Uno CLI with C# to create a spreadsheet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4743738/use-openoffice-uno-cli-with-c-sharp-to-create-a-spreadsheet string url @ private factory scalc PropertyValue loadProps new PropertyValue 1 loadProps 0 new PropertyValue loadProps.. factory scalc PropertyValue loadProps new PropertyValue 1 loadProps 0 new PropertyValue loadProps 0 .Name Hidden loadProps 0 .Value.. new PropertyValue 1 loadProps 0 new PropertyValue loadProps 0 .Name Hidden loadProps 0 .Value new uno.Any true PropertyValue..
Can I get more than 1000 records from a DirectorySearcher in Asp.Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90652/can-i-get-more-than-1000-records-from-a-directorysearcher-in-asp-net dirEnt new DirectoryEntry LDAP dhuba1kwtn004 string loadProps new string cn samaccountname name distinguishedname DirectorySearcher.. srch new DirectorySearcher dirEnt objectClass Group loadProps var results srch.FindAll I have tried to set srch.SizeLimit.. srch new DirectorySearcher dirEnt objectClass Group loadProps srch.PageSize 1000 var results srch.FindAll The API documentation..