c# Programming Glossary: listview.beginupdate
How to prevent flickering in ListView when updating a single ListViewItem's text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/87795/how-to-prevent-flickering-in-listview-when-updating-a-single-listviewitems-text This is my code for updating called several times listView.BeginUpdate listViewItem.SubItems 0 .Text state.ToString update the state..
How to speed adding items to a ListView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9008310/how-to-speed-adding-items-to-a-listview fix is to call BeginUpdate EndUpdate . Attempt 2 3 106 ms listView.BeginUpdate foreach Object o in list ListViewItem item new ListViewItem.. RefreshListViewItem item o items.Add item stopwatch.Start listView.BeginUpdate foreach ListViewItem item in items listView.Items.Add item listView.EndUpdate.. it to AddRange rather than a foreach Attempt 4 2 182 ms listView.BeginUpdate listView.Items.AddRange items.ToArray listView.EndUpdate A bit..