c# Programming Glossary: listboxitem
Complex UI inside ListBoxItem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15532639/complex-ui-inside-listboxitem UI inside ListBoxItem In WPF I can add whatever UI into ListBoxItem s by providing.. UI inside ListBoxItem In WPF I can add whatever UI into ListBoxItem s by providing the ListBox with an ItemTemplate ListBox ItemsSource.. winforms support databinding in such a way that each of my ListBoxItems can be bound to a complex Entity eventually including an intermediate..
mvvm how to make a list view auto scroll to a new Item in a list view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3317194/mvvm-how-to-make-a-list-view-auto-scroll-to-a-new-item-in-a-list-view change the selected item from the ViewModel. Class summary ListBoxItem Behavior class summary public static class ListBoxItemBehavior.. ListBoxItem Behavior class summary public static class ListBoxItemBehavior #region IsBroughtIntoViewWhenSelected summary Gets the.. public static bool GetIsBroughtIntoViewWhenSelected ListBoxItem listBoxItem return bool listBoxItem.GetValue IsBroughtIntoViewWhenSelectedProperty..
WPF C#: Rearrange items in listbox via drag and drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3350187/wpf-c-rearrange-items-in-listbox-via-drag-and-drop _empList Style itemContainerStyle new Style typeof ListBoxItem itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add new Setter ListBoxItem.AllowDropProperty.. ListBoxItem itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add new Setter ListBoxItem.AllowDropProperty true itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add new EventSetter.. true itemContainerStyle.Setters.Add new EventSetter ListBoxItem.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDownEvent new MouseButtonEventHandler..
How to access a specific item in a Listbox with DataTemplate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181063/how-to-access-a-specific-item-in-a-listbox-with-datatemplate be the SelectionChangedEvent. So if a user clicks on an ListBoxItem the TextBlock gets invisible and the TextBox gets visible. XAML.. object sender SelectionChangedEventArgs e ListBoxItem listBoxItem ContactListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem DataTemplate.. e ListBoxItem listBoxItem ContactListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem DataTemplate listBoxTemplate listBoxItem.ContentTemplate How..
Managing multiple selections with MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803216/managing-multiple-selections-with-mvvm case ListBox.ItemContainerStyle Style TargetType x Type ListBoxItem Setter Property IsSelected Value Binding Mode TwoWay Path IsSelected..
C# difference between `==` and .Equals() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/814878/c-sharp-difference-between-and-equals false while .Equals returns true. Here is the code if ListBoxItem lstBaseMenu.SelectedItem .Content.Equals Energy Attack Execute.. .Content.Equals Energy Attack Execute code if ListBoxItem lstBaseMenu.SelectedItem .Content Energy Attack Execute code..