c# Programming Glossary: listitem
Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1066760/problem-with-converting-int-to-string-in-linq-to-entities Linq to entities var items from c in contacts select new ListItem Value c.ContactId Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' ContactId.. . Text c.Name var items from c in contacts select new ListItem Value c.ContactId.ToString Throws exception ToString is not.. looking like this var items from c in contacts select new ListItem Value SqlFunctions.StringConvert double c.ContactId .Trim ..
C#, FindControl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1457567/c-findcontrol DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged asp ListItem Item 1 asp ListItem asp ListItem Item 2 asp ListItem asp ListItem.. DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged asp ListItem Item 1 asp ListItem asp ListItem Item 2 asp ListItem asp ListItem Item 3 asp ListItem.. asp ListItem Item 1 asp ListItem asp ListItem Item 2 asp ListItem asp ListItem Item 3 asp ListItem asp DropDownList..
XML Serialization and Inherited Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20084/xml-serialization-and-inherited-types private List AbstractType _list XmlArray ListItems XmlArrayItem ListItem Type typeof AbstractXmlSerializer AbstractType.. List AbstractType _list XmlArray ListItems XmlArrayItem ListItem Type typeof AbstractXmlSerializer AbstractType public List AbstractType..
Count total rows of gridview with pagination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5788329/count-total-rows-of-gridview-with-pagination companyList_SelectedIndexChanged Width 150px asp ListItem Text Select Company Value 1 asp ListItem asp DropDownList.. Width 150px asp ListItem Text Select Company Value 1 asp ListItem asp DropDownList td td width 20 Select Department td.. deptList_SelectedIndexChanged Width 150px asp ListItem Value 1 Select Department asp ListItem asp DropDownList ..
Use Return Value of JSON in jQuery.Ajax Script Correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7993160/use-return-value-of-json-in-jquery-ajax-script-correctly td td asp DropDownList ID Masterddl runat server asp ListItem Text G1 Value G1 asp ListItem Text G2 Value G2 asp ListItem.. Masterddl runat server asp ListItem Text G1 Value G1 asp ListItem Text G2 Value G2 asp ListItem Text G3 Value G3 asp DropDownList.. Text G1 Value G1 asp ListItem Text G2 Value G2 asp ListItem Text G3 Value G3 asp DropDownList td tr tr td asp Label..
Passing arguments to C# generic new() of templated type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/840261/passing-arguments-to-c-sharp-generic-new-of-templated-type static string GetAllItems T ... where T new ... List T tabListItems new List T foreach ListItem listItem in listCollection tabListItems.Add.. ... where T new ... List T tabListItems new List T foreach ListItem listItem in listCollection tabListItems.Add new T listItem.. new List T foreach ListItem listItem in listCollection tabListItems.Add new T listItem error here. ... c# .net generics new operator..
How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1582285/how-to-remove-elements-from-a-generic-list-while-iterating-over-it i .Key true foreach var item in listTracked.Where listItem listItem.Value list.Remove item.Key return list c# list generics.. .Key true foreach var item in listTracked.Where listItem listItem.Value list.Remove item.Key return list c# list generics iterate..
MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656758/mvc3-razor-dropdownlistfor-enums DescriptionAttribute attribute .Description var listItem new SelectListItem Value int item .ToString Text title Selected.. Selected selectedItem int item .ToString items.Add listItem return new SelectList items Value Text selectedItem Use it..
Passing arguments to C# generic new() of templated type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/840261/passing-arguments-to-c-sharp-generic-new-of-templated-type T new ... List T tabListItems new List T foreach ListItem listItem in listCollection tabListItems.Add new T listItem error here... listItem in listCollection tabListItems.Add new T listItem error here. ... c# .net generics new operator share improve.. T del ... List T tabListItems new List T foreach ListItem listItem in listCollection tabListItems.Add del listItem ... You can..