c# Programming Glossary: list.where
Performance difference for control structures 'for' and 'foreach' in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1124753/performance-difference-for-control-structures-for-and-foreach-in-c-sharp use LINQ to avoid the if too foreach var item in list.Where condition EDIT For those of you who are claiming that iterating..
Sort List by occurrence of a word by LINQ C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11392014/sort-list-by-occurrence-of-a-word-by-linq-c-sharp found var weights wordsToFind.Select w new Word w Weight list.Where x x.Description.Contains w .Count For the data in this question..
textbox auto complete (Multi Line) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12972761/textbox-auto-complete-multi-line listBox_SelectedIndexChanged List string localList list.Where z z.StartsWith textBox.Text .ToList if localList.Any string.IsNullOrEmpty..
Recursive TreeView in ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2572721/recursive-treeview-in-asp-net IEnumerable MyObject list TreeNode parentNode var nodes list.Where x parentNode null x.ParentId 0 x.ParentId int.Parse parentNode.Value..
Func vs. Action vs. Predicate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4317479/func-vs-action-vs-predicate in projections list.Select x x.SomeProperty or filtering list.Where x x.SomeValue someOtherValue or key selection list.Join otherList..
How can I get every nth item from a List<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/682615/how-can-i-get-every-nth-item-from-a-listt
Why is LINQ .Where(predicate).First() faster than .First(predicate)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8663897/why-is-linq-wherepredicate-first-faster-than-firstpredicate result list.First f f.Id i .Property is slower than result list.Where f f.Id i .First .Property This seems counter intuitive. I would.. Id i Value 10 int result 0 for int i 0 i Range i result list.Where f f.Id i .First .Value Assert.IsTrue result 0 c# .net performance..
Find() vs. Where().FirstorDefault() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9335015/find-vs-where-firstordefault Console.WriteLine item2 null not found found string item3 list.Where x x item3 .FirstOrDefault Console.WriteLine item3 null not..