c# Programming Glossary: listview.itemtemplate
ICommand binding causing UI memory leak in WPF application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12919288/icommand-binding-causing-ui-memory-leak-in-wpf-application IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem True Margin 0 0 0 0 ListView.ItemTemplate DataTemplate DataTemplate.Resources Button Command Binding..
C# Metro (XAML) : Designing the page for any (% of the) screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20708957/c-sharp-metro-xaml-designing-the-page-for-any-of-the-screen Row contains the ListView Margin 6 20 with the template ListView.ItemTemplate DataTemplate StackPanel TextBlock Text Binding Title FontSize.. FontSize 16 Margin 15 0 0 0 StackPanel DataTemplate ListView.ItemTemplate I also have the AppBar that contains a 2 rows Grid Grid.RowDefinitions..
Bind a Command to a Button inside a ListView with Caliburn.Micro http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3650800/bind-a-command-to-a-button-inside-a-listview-with-caliburn-micro a ListViews DataTemplate ListView x Name AvailableScreens ListView.ItemTemplate DataTemplate WrapPanel BulletDecorator Button x Name DisplayView.. PropertyChanged Button WrapPanel DataTemplate ListView.ItemTemplate The problem now is that although the Name of the Button is set..
How are arrays created and accessed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7793808/how-are-arrays-created-and-accessed
Binding List of Lists in XAML? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8188025/binding-list-of-lists-in-xaml MoviesView.xaml ListView ItemsSource Binding MovieList ListView.ItemTemplate DataTemplate ListView ItemsSource Binding ListView.ItemTemplate.. DataTemplate ListView ItemsSource Binding ListView.ItemTemplate DataTemplate TextBlock Text Binding Title DataTemplate ListView.ItemTemplate.. DataTemplate TextBlock Text Binding Title DataTemplate ListView.ItemTemplate ListView DataTemplate ListView.ItemTemplate ListView share..