c# Programming Glossary: iexplore
Simulating Key Press c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3047375/simulating-key-press-c-sharp while true Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName iexplore foreach Process proc in processes SetForegroundWindow proc.MainWindowHandle.. while true Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName iexplore foreach Process proc in processes PostMessage proc.MainWindowHandle..
Find if process is responding without using System.Diagnostics.Process.Responding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3514049/find-if-process-is-responding-without-using-system-diagnostics-process-respondin if exe.ProcessName.StartsWith iexplore if exe.Responding false terminate true break Code to close.. if exe.ProcessName.StartsWith iexplore if exe.MainWindowHandle IntPtr.Zero System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show..
Launch a URL in a tab in an existing IE window from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3713206/launch-a-url-in-a-tab-in-an-existing-ie-window-from-c-sharp iExplorer.Navigate url 0x800 0x800 means new tab else No iexplore running use your processinfo method Edit in some cases you may.. may have to check if the shellwindow corresponds to a real iexplorer an not to any other windows shell in w7 all instances are returned..
How can I get URLs of open pages from Chrome and Firefox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7814027/how-can-i-get-urls-of-open-pages-from-chrome-and-firefox ie.FullName .ToLower if filename.Equals iexplore string urlParts ie.LocationURL.ToString .Split ' ' string..
How to get the URL of the Internet explorer tabs with PID of each tab? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8445742/how-to-get-the-url-of-the-internet-explorer-tabs-with-pid-of-each-tab theprocess in processlist if theprocess.ProcessName iexplore Console.WriteLine Process 0 tID 1 tWindow name 2 theprocess.ProcessName..