

c# Programming Glossary: idx

How to calculate the average rgb color values of a bitmap


for int x 0 x width x for int color 0 color 3 color int idx y stride x 4 color totals color p idx int avgR totals 0 width.. 0 color 3 color int idx y stride x 4 color totals color p idx int avgR totals 0 width height int avgG totals 1 width height..

Round Robin Tournament algorithm in C#


Console.WriteLine 0 vs 1 teams teamIdx ListTeam 0 for int idx 1 idx halfSize idx int firstTeam day idx teamsSize int secondTeam.. 0 vs 1 teams teamIdx ListTeam 0 for int idx 1 idx halfSize idx int firstTeam day idx teamsSize int secondTeam.. 0 vs 1 teams teamIdx ListTeam 0 for int idx 1 idx halfSize idx int firstTeam day idx teamsSize int secondTeam day teamsSize..

Akima interpolation of an array of doubles


description into code. values is an array of doubles idx is the index of the left hand value for the current interpolation.. interpolation t is the normalized parameter between values idx and values idx 1 Don't worry about array bounds I'll handle.. is the normalized parameter between values idx and values idx 1 Don't worry about array bounds I'll handle that separately...

Using a self-signed certificate with .NET's HttpWebRequest/Response


certMatch true Now assume success. for int idx 0 idx certHash.Length idx if certHash idx apiCertHash idx .. certMatch true Now assume success. for int idx 0 idx certHash.Length idx if certHash idx apiCertHash idx certMatch.. true Now assume success. for int idx 0 idx certHash.Length idx if certHash idx apiCertHash idx certMatch false No match..

ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids


of Users Questions and Users Answers is stored in idx user q UserId QuestionId1 QuestionId2 etc idx user a UserId.. is stored in idx user q UserId QuestionId1 QuestionId2 etc idx user a UserId AnswerId1 AnswerId2 etc Although the C# RedisClient..