c# Programming Glossary: idx
How to calculate the average rgb color values of a bitmap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068373/how-to-calculate-the-average-rgb-color-values-of-a-bitmap for int x 0 x width x for int color 0 color 3 color int idx y stride x 4 color totals color p idx int avgR totals 0 width.. 0 color 3 color int idx y stride x 4 color totals color p idx int avgR totals 0 width height int avgG totals 1 width height..
Round Robin Tournament algorithm in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1293058/round-robin-tournament-algorithm-in-c-sharp Console.WriteLine 0 vs 1 teams teamIdx ListTeam 0 for int idx 1 idx halfSize idx int firstTeam day idx teamsSize int secondTeam.. 0 vs 1 teams teamIdx ListTeam 0 for int idx 1 idx halfSize idx int firstTeam day idx teamsSize int secondTeam.. 0 vs 1 teams teamIdx ListTeam 0 for int idx 1 idx halfSize idx int firstTeam day idx teamsSize int secondTeam day teamsSize..
Akima interpolation of an array of doubles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3502769/akima-interpolation-of-an-array-of-doubles description into code. values is an array of doubles idx is the index of the left hand value for the current interpolation.. interpolation t is the normalized parameter between values idx and values idx 1 Don't worry about array bounds I'll handle.. is the normalized parameter between values idx and values idx 1 Don't worry about array bounds I'll handle that separately...
Using a self-signed certificate with .NET's HttpWebRequest/Response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/526711/using-a-self-signed-certificate-with-nets-httpwebrequest-response certMatch true Now assume success. for int idx 0 idx certHash.Length idx if certHash idx apiCertHash idx .. certMatch true Now assume success. for int idx 0 idx certHash.Length idx if certHash idx apiCertHash idx certMatch.. true Now assume success. for int idx 0 idx certHash.Length idx if certHash idx apiCertHash idx certMatch false No match..
ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8914349/servicestack-net-redis-storing-related-objects-vs-related-object-ids of Users Questions and Users Answers is stored in idx user q UserId QuestionId1 QuestionId2 etc idx user a UserId.. is stored in idx user q UserId QuestionId1 QuestionId2 etc idx user a UserId AnswerId1 AnswerId2 etc Although the C# RedisClient..