c# Programming Glossary: ignores
Filter is getting lost in WebGrid + Paging + Sorting + Filtering in .NET 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10051794/filter-is-getting-lost-in-webgrid-paging-sorting-filtering-in-net-4-0 all query string parameters present in the current url. It ignores POSTed and route values. And since your Search form POSTs the..
One WCF service ??two clients; One client does not work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12420314/one-wcf-service-two-clients-one-client-does-not-work WsdlExporter which is used for metadata publishing ignores operations with asterisk actions both Action and ReplyAction..
Soft Delete Entity Framework Code First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12698793/soft-delete-entity-framework-code-first how can I make it such that when I retrieve the object it ignores any with IsDeleted So if I said _db.Users.FirstOrDefault UserId..
How to force ADO.Net to use only the System.String DataType in the readers TableSchema http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2567673/how-to-force-ado-net-to-use-only-the-system-string-datatype-in-the-readers-table
Differences in development between .NET and Mono http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2783268/differences-in-development-between-net-and-mono at all as anything Visual Studio cannot read it generally ignores. As people have said don't confuse Mono for MonoDevelop. MonoDevelop..
Visualizing an AST created with ANTLR (in a .Net environment) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2856612/visualizing-an-ast-created-with-antlr-in-a-net-environment only shows what rules are used in the parsing process and ignores any AST rewrite rules. What you can do is use StringTemplate..
Using Moq to set indexers in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2916348/using-moq-to-set-indexers-in-c-sharp indexed property getter but if I ever set the value Moq ignores it var someValues new int 10 20 30 40 var someClass new Mock..
How are DLLs loaded by the CLR? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2967164/how-are-dlls-loaded-by-the-clr a program uses the assembly loader in this fashion the CLR ignores the four part name of the assembly including its version number...
How can I remove accents on a string? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3769457/how-can-i-remove-accents-on-a-string a default for the problem cases mentioned above which just ignores them. We've also split building a string from generating the..
XmlSerialize a custom collection with an Attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/377486/xmlserialize-a-custom-collection-with-an-attribute need to serialize this class to XML but the XMLSerializer ignores my additional properties. I assume this is because of the special..
SQL WHERE clause matching values with trailing spaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4166159/sql-where-clause-matching-values-with-trailing-spaces That's the expected result in SQL Server the operator ignores trailing spaces when making the comparison. SQL Server follows..
Why is Func<T> ambiguous with Func<IEnumerable<T>>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4573011/why-is-funct-ambiguous-with-funcienumerablet return types don't match but overload resolution always ignores return types . So a conversion exists from X to Func IEnumerable..
MVC3 Razor DropDownListFor Enums http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656758/mvc3-razor-dropdownlistfor-enums go to use the auto generate view for this partial class it ignores this type. I need a simple select list that sets the value of..
Access a Remote Directory from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5433570/access-a-remote-directory-from-c-sharp the connection was not marked as persistent the function ignores the setting of the CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE flag. CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE..
A reproducable example of volatile usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6164466/a-reproducable-example-of-volatile-usage in the 'open source' version of .NET SSLI20 completely ignores the IL instruction. It can also be argued that the current behavior..
MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7048726/mvc3-unobtrusive-validation-not-working-after-ajax-call a form already has validation rules bound to it it just ignores the .validator call. I implemented the script extension that..
How can I get WinForms to stop silently ignoring unhandled exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7572995/how-can-i-get-winforms-to-stop-silently-ignoring-unhandled-exceptions as it is if an exception occurs the WinForms library ignores it. No an unhandled exception has occurred JIT message is thrown..
Can I make XmlSerializer ignore the namespace on deserialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/870293/can-i-make-xmlserializer-ignore-the-namespace-on-deserialization during de serialization. Define an XmlTextReader that ignores namespaces. Like so helper class to ignore namespaces when de..
Get installed applications in a system http://stackoverflow.com/questions/908850/get-installed-applications-in-a-system under ALLUSERS though that may be incorrect. It also ignores the Windows components updates which may be handy for you. ..
C# automatic property deserialization of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/945585/c-sharp-automatic-property-deserialization-of-json the .NET serialization engine at least by default totally ignores automatic properties on deserialization and only cares about..