

c# Programming Glossary: ignoring

Data Binding in WPF User Controls


int Number get set This sets the Protocol Number to zero ignoring the value set to Number. I've read example c# wpf xaml data..

Mixing C# & VB In The Same Project


project will only actually compile the .cs files. It was ignoring the other ones therefore you did not receive errors. Edit If..

General purpose FromEvent method


create a method at runtime matching a given signature but ignoring all parameters that accesses a TaskCompletionSource that we..

Panel.Dock Fill ignoring other Panel.Dock setting


Fill ignoring other Panel.Dock setting If you create a panel on a form and.. panel and set its Dock Fill it may fill the entire form ignoring the first panel. Changing the tab order does nothing. c# .net..

C# UserControl Constructor with Parameters


new MyControl blah blah And trust me because I did it yes ignoring the comments Visual Studio generated I tried messing around..

C# Set collection?


a set using a Dictionary or a HashTable by populating but ignoring the values but that's not a very elegant way. c# .net collections..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


away quite a lot of logical allocation. Thirdly I'm ignoring generics mostly because I don't actually know the answer and..

Is there any valid reason to ever ignore a caught exception


question While there are some reasonable reasons for ignoring exceptions however generally it is only specific exceptions..

Search XDocument using LINQ without knowing the namespace


The local name is what you want to query on if you are ignoring namespaces. Thank you Adam You can't put the Name of the node..

Merging dictionaries in C#


one now it's not terribly hard to do just overwriting or ignoring duplicate keys. The important bit to my mind is using SelectMany..

Compare two List<T> objects for equality, ignoring order


two List T objects for equality ignoring order Yet another list comparing question. List MyType list1..

Memory Efficiency and Performance of String.Replace .NET Framework


GC 1. What is the fastest way of replacing these values ignoring memory concerns 2. What is the most memory efficient way of..

How to distinguish between multiple input devices in C#


keyData return true But then along with ignoring the keystrokes from the keyboard the barcode scanner input is..

How can I get WinForms to stop silently ignoring unhandled exceptions?


can I get WinForms to stop silently ignoring unhandled exceptions This is getting extremely irritating...

Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application?


my analogy to VB's OERN too literally. I know that blindly ignoring certain classes of errors is dangerous and might corrupt my.. to potentially blow up the world just because we're ignoring errors. Side note There is exactly one user for that application...

How can I intercept all key events, including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+tab?


Alt Del and enter their credentials into WinLogon. However ignoring what you ought to do and concentrating instead on what you're..

SelectNodes with XPath ignoring cases


with XPath ignoring cases I have a problem finding elements in XPath that's contains.. finding elements in XPath that's contains a certain string ignoring character casing. I want to find in a HTML page all the nodes.. a HTML page all the nodes with id contains the text footer ignoring it's write in uppercase or lowercase. In my example i have a..