c# Programming Glossary: ignore
XmlSerializer giving FileNotFoundException at constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1127431/xmlserializer-giving-filenotfoundexception-at-constructor is thrown but handled by the XmlSerializer so if you just ignore it everything should continue on fine. I have found this very..
Bundler not including .min files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11980458/bundler-not-including-min-files Is there some config setting that is causing it to ignore '.min.js' files c# javascript asp.net mvc 4 bundling and minification.. public static void AddDefaultIgnorePatterns IgnoreList ignoreList if ignoreList null throw new ArgumentNullException ignoreList.. void AddDefaultIgnorePatterns IgnoreList ignoreList if ignoreList null throw new ArgumentNullException ignoreList ignoreList.Ignore..
Soft Delete Entity Framework Code First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12698793/soft-delete-entity-framework-code-first how can I make it such that when I retrieve the object it ignores any with IsDeleted So if I said _db.Users.FirstOrDefault UserId.. UserId id if that user had IsDeleted true it would ignore it. Essentially I want to filter Note I do not want to just..
C# Reading a File Line By Line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271225/c-sharp-reading-a-file-line-by-line file while file.EndOfStream String line file.ReadLine ignore empty lines if line.Length 0 create addon T addon new T addon.Load..
Reducing memory usage of .NET applications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1343374/reducing-memory-usage-of-net-applications total in RAM consumption. I will not say that you should ignore the memory footprint of your application obviously smaller and..
What's wrong with using Thread.Abort() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1559255/whats-wrong-with-using-thread-abort performance penalty or some hidden gotcha I know you can't ignore swallow the ThreadAbortException which makes sense c# .net..
How do I use IValidatableObject? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3400542/how-do-i-use-ivalidatableobject attributes to validate individual properties but I want to ignore failures on some properties in certain cases. Am I trying to..
ANTLR 3.3 C# Tutorials? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4396080/antlr-3-3-c-sharp-tutorials Space ' ' ' t' ' r' ' n' Skip I also added a Space rule to ignore any white spaces in the source file and added some extra tokens..
Can a C# thread really cache a value and ignore changes to that value on other threads? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/458173/can-a-c-sharp-thread-really-cache-a-value-and-ignore-changes-to-that-value-on-ot a C# thread really cache a value and ignore changes to that value on other threads This question is NOT.. but I can't believe the .NET runtime would really ignore a memory value changing as the article claims. I understand..
How might I schedule a C# Windows Service to perform a task daily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/503564/how-might-i-schedule-a-c-sharp-windows-service-to-perform-a-task-daily object sender System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ignore the time just compare the date if _lastRun.Date DateTime.Now.Date..
Comparing object properties in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506096/comparing-object-properties-in-c-sharp PublicInstancePropertiesEqual T T self T to params string ignore where T class if self null to null Type type typeof T List.. class if self null to null Type type typeof T List string ignoreList new List string ignore foreach System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.. Type type typeof T List string ignoreList new List string ignore foreach System.Reflection.PropertyInfo pi in type.GetProperties..
Protect .NET code from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506282/protect-net-code-from-reverse-engineering efforts on providing them with a good user experience and ignore the people cracking your software. I've had my application pirated..
How do I use WebRequest to access an SSL encrypted site using https? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/560804/how-do-i-use-webrequest-to-access-an-ssl-encrypted-site-using-https to sites that have invalid ssl certs installed. You can ignore those cert problems if you put this line in before you make..
Difference between Property and Field in C# 3.0+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653536/difference-between-property-and-field-in-c-sharp-3-0 Edit Update for OPs updated question if you want to ignore the other suggestions here the other reason is that it's simply..
Embedding unmanaged dll into a managed C# dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/666799/embedding-unmanaged-dll-into-a-managed-c-sharp-dll assembly we can assume that it's the same bits so we just ignore the excecption here and load the DLL. We must explicitly load..
Is there a difference between “throw” and “throw ex”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/730250/is-there-a-difference-between-throw-and-throw-ex Exception ex if ex is ThreadAbortException ignore then return if ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException Log then..
C# Events and Thread Safety http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786383/c-sharp-events-and-thread-safety who are not taking that additional care might as well ignore this advice it simply isn't an issue for single threaded programs..
Ignore folders/files when Directory.GetFiles() is denied access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/172544/ignore-folders-files-when-directory-getfiles-is-denied-access folders files when Directory.GetFiles is denied access I am..
Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203863/missing-xml-comment-for-publicly-visible-type-or-member bits of code and #pragma warning restore 1591 afterwards Ignore the warnings bad idea you'll miss new real warnings share..
Automapper: Ignore on condition of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2451189/automapper-ignore-on-condition-of Ignore on condition of Is it possible to ignore mapping a member depending.. CarViewModel Car .ForMember dest dest.Code opt opt.Ignore .If source source.Id 0 So far the only solution I have is too.. one. c# automapper share improve this question The Ignore feature is strictly for members you never map as these members..
C# Ignore certificate errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2675133/c-sharp-ignore-certificate-errors Ignore certificate errors I am getting the following error during..
Multi-client, async sockets in c#, best practices? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/284885/multi-client-async-sockets-in-c-best-practices code. There are multiple ways to handle endianess. Ignore it Obviously a bad choice Specify the endianness of the protocol...
Using Contract.ForAll in Code Contracts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3104856/using-contract-forall-in-code-contracts or Exists. Until it does it seems to me the options are Ignore the warning. Add Contract.Assume subGroup null before the call..
Standard deviation of generic list? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3141692/standard-deviation-of-generic-list 2 return Math.Sqrt sumOfSqrs m_ValveResults.Count 1 Ignore whats inside the LatchStdev function because I'm sure its not..
Pipe forwards in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336775/pipe-forwards-in-c-sharp m m 2 With them we can write var n numbers.Select m m 2 Ignore the fact that they also let us omit the class name that's a..
GetMethod for generic method [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4035719/getmethod-for-generic-method static bool IsSimilarType this Type thisType Type type Ignore any 'ref' types if thisType.IsByRef thisType thisType.GetElementType..
Xml-SelectNodes with default-namespace via XmlNamespaceManager not working as expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4271689/xml-selectnodes-with-default-namespace-via-xmlnamespacemanager-not-working-as-ex assert becomes true I have tried so far using nunit Test Ignore Why does this not work public void __DoesNotWork_TestSelectWithDefaultNamespace..
Is there an IDictionary implementation that returns null on missing key instead of throwing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538729/is-there-an-idictionary-implementation-that-returns-null-on-missing-key-instead IDictionary TKey TValue dictionary TKey key TValue ret Ignore return value dictionary.TryGetValue key out ret return ret ..
SqlException catch and handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6221951/sqlexception-catch-and-handling an existing try catch to handle if a table does not exist. Ignore the fact that I could check if the table exists in the first..
C#: Accessing Inherited Private Instance Members Through Reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686482/c-accessing-inherited-private-instance-members-through-reflection foreach var field in t.GetFields flags Ignore inherited fields. if field.DeclaringType t fields.Add field..
Using a partial class property inside LINQ statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6879529/using-a-partial-class-property-inside-linq-statement votes at the end unless someone posts a perfect solution Ignore below unless until you read the answer s 1 Using Jacek's solution..
Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860656/using-c-how-does-one-figure-out-what-process-locked-a-file try outp UnsafeGetFilesLockedBy process catch Ignore try var t new Thread ts t.IsBackground true t.Start if.. if t.Join 250 try t.Interrupt t.Abort catch Ignore catch Ignore return outp #region Inner Workings private.. 250 try t.Interrupt t.Abort catch Ignore catch Ignore return outp #region Inner Workings private static void Ignore..