

c# Programming Glossary: idomainobject

Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests


this.GenerateIDomainCollectionMetaData IDomainObject parentDomainObject MockRepository.GenerateMock IDomainObject.. parentDomainObject MockRepository.GenerateMock IDomainObject DomainCollection sut new DomainCollection dispatcher domainCollectionMetaData.. dispatcher domainCollectionMetaData parentDomainObject IDomainObject domainObject MockRepository.GenerateMock IDomainObject sut.SetAsLoaded..

Can't get RhinoMocks to emit a mock that follows the generic type restriction rules


of all persistable domain objects public interface IDomainObject ... defines domain objects specific to the Security DB public.. to the Security DB public interface ISecurityDomainObject IDomainObject ... Defines a basic transactional data Repository there are.. public interface IRepository TRest IDisposable where TRest IDomainObject IUnitOfWork BeginUnitOfWork void CommitUnitOfWork IUnitOfWork..