

c# Programming Glossary: ignorable

Example using Hyperlink in WPF


schemas.openxmlformats.org markup compatibility 2006 mc Ignorable d x Class BookmarkWizV2.InfoPanels.Windows.UrlProperties Title..

Add Header and Footer to an existing empty word document with OpenXML SDK 2.0


new Header MCAttributes new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes Ignorable w14 wp14 header1.AddNamespaceDeclaration wpc http schemas.microsoft.com.. new Footer MCAttributes new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes Ignorable w14 wp14 footer1.AddNamespaceDeclaration wpc http schemas.microsoft.com..

Why my user control crashes Visual Studio?


schemas.openxmlformats.org markup compatibility 2006 mc Ignorable d FontFamily StaticResource PhoneFontFamilyNormal FontSize StaticResource..

XAML Conditional Compilation


AlternateContent with Requires against something flagged Ignorable . By doing this you can actually have portions of your xaml..

Give some command to View in MVVM


schemas.microsoft.com expression 2010 interactivity mc Ignorable d d DesignHeight 300 d DesignWidth 300 UserControl.DataContext..

MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel


schemas.openxmlformats.org markup compatibility 2006 mc Ignorable d Application.Resources vm ViewModelLocator x Key Locator d..

Binding image in Isolated Storage


clr namespace SilverlightApplication1 mc Ignorable d d DesignHeight 300 d DesignWidth 400 Grid x Name LayoutRoot..

Show Validation Error in UserControl


schemas.openxmlformats.org markup compatibility 2006 mc Ignorable d d DesignHeight 300 d DesignWidth 400 Grid x Name LayoutRoot..

How to override MeasureOverride to find the size of ItemsControl


schemas.openxmlformats.org markup compatibility 2006 mc Ignorable d DataContext Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource Self Grid..