

c# Programming Glossary: ideone.com

Serialize an object to string


that is defined in the derived type's base class http ideone.com 1Z5J1 . Also Ideone uses Mono to execute code the actual Exception..

is there a elegant way to parse a word and add spaces before capital letters


Console.WriteLine r.Replace test This prints as seen on ideone.com Automatic Tracking System X M L Editor The regex ^ A Z consists.. part Console.WriteLine This prints as seen on ideone.com Automatic Tracking System XML Editor An XML And XSLT 2.0 Tool..

Why doesn't finite repetition in lookbehind work in some flavors?p


snippet illustrates all of the above points see also on ideone.com p re.compile r' ^ d ^ d d d 1 2 ' print p.findall 12 34 56 #.. This is demonstrated by the following snippet see also on ideone.com String text 12 34 56 date n 1 23 45 another date n Pattern p.. how you can use repetition on a lookbehind see also on ideone.com var text @ 1 23 45 12 34 56 123 45 67 1234 56 78 Regex r new..

How does this regex find triangular numbers?


to show that this works in several languages PHP on ideone.com r ' ^ 1. ^. ' foreach range 0 50 as n if preg_match r str_repeat.. 50 as n if preg_match r str_repeat 'o' n print n Java on ideone.com for int n 0 n 50 n String s new String new char n if s.matches.. new char n if s.matches 1. ^. System.out.print n C# on ideone.com Regex r new Regex @ ^ 1. ^. for int n 0 n 50 n if r.IsMatch..

Why does System.Type.GetHashCode return the same value for all instances and types?


type.GetHashCode Console.ReadLine Yet on http ideone.com it produces varying results for each type. This issue has been..