c# Programming Glossary: freedom
Is there a C# generic constraint for “real number” types? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1348594/is-there-a-c-sharp-generic-constraint-for-real-number-types new Point float 3.14159 0.2357 If I want this level of freedom am I electing for a typeof T nightmare when it comes to calculations..
How to find the minimum covariant type for best fit between two types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14472103/how-to-find-the-minimum-covariant-type-for-best-fit-between-two-types
REST service authentication http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14996673/rest-service-authentication standard Instagram Google Facebook gives you a lot off freedom and with a growing ecosystem gets easier and easier to implement...
Calculate the number of business days between two dates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617049/calculate-the-number-of-business-days-between-two-dates 2011 Great answer There is little bug though. I take the freedom to edit this answer since the answerer is absent since 2009...
Why use ref keyword when passing an Object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/186891/why-use-ref-keyword-when-passing-an-object to use ref unless it is needed. Using ref gives the method freedom to change the argument for something else callers of the method..
How can I use the button tag with ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187482/how-can-i-use-the-button-tag-with-asp-net which will be ignored by the parent class giving us the freedom to use this property as we please. public new string Text get..
Why can't yield return appear inside a try block with a catch? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/346365/why-cant-yield-return-appear-inside-a-try-block-with-a-catch these cases it would be possible to gain a little bit more freedom at the cost of extra complexity in the compiler. The team made..
Succinct and light-weight API: REST+JSON in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3710635/succinct-and-light-weight-api-restjson-in-net instead of HTML seems like a possibility. You have the freedom to either use the JsonDataContractSerializer or JSON.Net to..
Is LinqToSQL powerful enough? Isn't a more powerful but equally fluent interface easy to construct? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/640004/is-linqtosql-powerful-enough-isnt-a-more-powerful-but-equally-fluent-interface this. I write the SQL in a stored procedure so I get the freedom of real SQL. In C# I use Linq's DBML to access the stored procedures..
servicestack REST API and CORS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8211930/servicestack-rest-api-and-cors literally given friction free flexibility and expressive freedom in your web service to literally return just about anything..
ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8914349/servicestack-net-redis-storing-related-objects-vs-related-object-ids are implemented in Redis you basically have complete freedom on how you want to structure and store your data. Think how.. to achieve the same end and in which you also have the freedom to roll your own. NoSQL's schema less loose typing freedoms.. freedom to roll your own. NoSQL's schema less loose typing freedoms should be embraced and you shouldn't be worried about trying..
Best way to really grok Java-ME for a C# guy [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90578/best-way-to-really-grok-java-me-for-a-c-sharp-guy Gotcha #9 Namespaces Freedom In Java you don't have the freedom of namespaces. The folder structure of your class must match..