c# Programming Glossary: frequencies
Is it possible to generate complex tones in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1643122/is-it-possible-to-generate-complex-tones-in-c need to create a sound containing tones of many different frequencies. Is there any way to do this in C# The only tone generating.. console.beep which works but only for pure tones single frequencies . c# audio beep share improve this question The Audiere..
Creating sine or square wave in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203890/creating-sine-or-square-wave-in-c-sharp wave will likely have a few very quiet artifacts at other frequencies. If it's accuracy of frequency that matters you are reliant..
How do you sort a dictionary by value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/289/how-do-you-sort-a-dictionary-by-value it by value. For example I have a hash of words and their frequencies and want to order them by frequency. There's SortedList which..
Real low level sound generation in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3743591/real-low-level-sound-generation-in-c creating the above function had some success for low frequencies but once I start messing with bits per sample etc... it becomes..
Detect a specific frequency/tone from raw wave-data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4808893/detect-a-specific-frequency-tone-from-raw-wave-data the Goertzel algorithm if you're trying to detect specific frequencies such as DTMF input. There is a C# DTMF generator detector library..
Writing musical notes to a wav file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4974531/writing-musical-notes-to-a-wav-file to the pressure of each tone not the average of the frequencies . If you play that you should get both tones at the same time..
Beats per minute from real-time audio input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79445/beats-per-minute-from-real-time-audio-input samples. Where the first part of the spectrum is the low frequencies and the last part of the spectrum is the high frequencies. If.. frequencies and the last part of the spectrum is the high frequencies. If you want to find BPM in popular music you should probably..