c# Programming Glossary: frequent
sql timeout expired http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11821236/sql-timeout-expired i saw in the application log files the above is the most frequent error i saw and also it is getting repeated everyday. on the..
Google Weather API 403 Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11878143/google-weather-api-403-error for over a year. As of August 7th 2012 there have been frequent intermittent 403 errors. I make a hit of the service once per..
Relationship between ManagedThreadID and Operating System ThreadID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1279950/relationship-between-managedthreadid-and-operating-system-threadid on a multi threaded C# Windows application that makes frequent calls into a native dll. These are blocking calls which can..
visual c# form update results in flickering http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181374/visual-c-sharp-form-update-results-in-flickering I have a .net app that I've written in c#. On some forms I frequent update the display fields. In some cases every field on the..
Is there any scenario where the Rope data structure is more efficient than a string builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1863440/is-there-any-scenario-where-the-rope-data-structure-is-more-efficient-than-a-str will primarily reside in memory rather than requiring frequent persistence say through an autosave function Manipulation of..
Why does ReSharper want to use 'var' for everything? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1873873/why-does-resharper-want-to-use-var-for-everything up a recent ASP.NET MVC project. One of the first and most frequent things I've noticed it suggesting is to change most all my explicit..
Single-assembly multi-language Windows Forms deployment (ILMerge and satellite assemblies / localization) - possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1952638/single-assembly-multi-language-windows-forms-deployment-ilmerge-and-satellite-a . Does anyone have any idea This seems to be a relatively frequent question online for example another question here on Stack Overflow..
How frequent is DateTime.Now updated ? or is there a more precise API to get the current time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307582/how-frequent-is-datetime-now-updated-or-is-there-a-more-precise-api-to-get-the frequent is DateTime.Now updated or is there a more precise API to get..
Create a summary description of a schedule given a list of shifts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3165867/create-a-summary-description-of-a-schedule-given-a-list-of-shifts time occurences and create a description based on the most frequent occurences found in the list. Is there some sort of general..
How to load different RESX files based on some parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3635390/how-to-load-different-resx-files-based-on-some-parameter update the cultures especially if you anticipate frequent changes this solution might be problematic if you use client..
C# Effective way to find any file's Encoding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3825390/c-sharp-effective-way-to-find-any-files-encoding Effective way to find any file's Encoding Yes is a most frequent question and this matter is vague for me and since i don't now..
Good Profiler for C# 2010? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5642569/good-profiler-for-c-sharp-2010 you can qualify for an OpenSource license. They also have frequent updates and they still support .netCF For VS 2008. Not important..
High performance TCP server in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6023264/high-performance-tcp-server-in-c-sharp which takes things one step further by eliminating the frequent allocations of async handlers associated with 'classic' C# async..
Can I get more than 1000 records from a DirectorySearcher in Asp.Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90652/can-i-get-more-than-1000-records-from-a-directorysearcher-in-asp-net return each page of results faster but will require more frequent calls to the server when iterating over a large number of results...
Does WeakReference make a good cache? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930198/does-weakreference-make-a-good-cache caches that have hard to predict hit rate patterns with frequent enough resurrections to be beneficial. If you have predictable..