c# Programming Glossary: fractions
Why does TimeSpan.ParseExact not work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11719055/why-does-timespan-parseexact-not-work hours and minutes minutes and seconds and seconds and fractions of a second must all be treated as character literals in a format..
Comparing double values in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1398753/comparing-double-values-in-c-sharp to know the reason Float double are stored as binary fractions not decimal fractions. To illustrate 12.34 in decimal notation.. Float double are stored as binary fractions not decimal fractions. To illustrate 12.34 in decimal notation what we use means 1..
Difference between Char.IsDigit() and Char.IsNumber() in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/228532/difference-between-char-isdigit-and-char-isnumber-in-c-sharp superscripted 2 and 3 '²' and '³' and the glyphs that are fractions such as '¼' '½' and '¾'. Note that there are quite a few characters..
Big numbers with fraction support http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2533960/big-numbers-with-fraction-support coming in .NET 4.0 but I can't get it to work with fractions. something i 2 something j 5 something k i j should be 0.4 when..
Truncate Two decimal places without rounding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3143657/truncate-two-decimal-places-without-rounding question value Math.Truncate 100 value 100 Beware that fractions like these cannot be accurately represented in floating point...
Why can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/333829/why-cant-i-define-a-default-constructor-for-a-struct-in-net what would you want to happen when someone did Rational fractions new Rational 1000 Should it run through your constructor 1000.. what would you want to happen when someone did Rational fractions new Rational 1000 Should it run through your constructor 1000..
C# Decimal datatype performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366852/c-sharp-decimal-datatype-performance can use the long datatype. Sure you won't be able to store fractions in there but if you code your app to store pennies instead of..
How to format DateTime columns in DataGridView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4033113/how-to-format-datetime-columns-in-datagridview obviously contains all the information up to second fractions. LoggingEntity host marty86ce host process 10148 process logger..
Inconsistency in divide-by-zero behavior between different value types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4609698/inconsistency-in-divide-by-zero-behavior-between-different-value-types zero. So from this perspective if we cannot represent most fractions n m exactly anyway it makes sense to treat the x 0 case as approximate..
C# Raise an event when a new process starts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4908906/c-sharp-raise-an-event-when-a-new-process-starts here every 1 second . Decreasing the WITHIN duration to fractions of seconds will give you faster response at the expense of CPU..
Algorithm for simplifying decimal to fractions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5124743/algorithm-for-simplifying-decimal-to-fractions for simplifying decimal to fractions I tried writing an algorithm to simplify a decimal to a fraction..
What are some resources I can use to learn profiling/optimizing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/550109/what-are-some-resources-i-can-use-to-learn-profiling-optimizing I O is expensive. CPU instructions are measured in fractions of a nanosecond. RAM access is in the order of tens to hundreds..