

c# Programming Glossary: freezeaccount

How to write functionality using DDD / CQRS


acc AccountFactory.GetAccount accountNumber public void FreezeAccount acc.Freeze public interface IAccount void Freeze public class..

Refactoring code to avoid anti-pattern


AccountRepository get set int BankAccountID get set void FreezeAccount public class FixedBankAccount IBankAccount private RepositoryLayer.IRepository.. value public int BankAccountID get set public void FreezeAccount ChangeAccountStatus private void SendEmail private void ChangeAccountStatus.. acc.accountRepository this.accountRepository acc.FreezeAccount public interface IBankAccountFactory DomainObjectsForBank.IBankAccount..

DDD Approach to Access External Information


double Balance get set string AccountStatus get set void FreezeAccount void AddInterest public class FixedBankAccount IBankAccount.. get set public double Balance get set public void FreezeAccount AccountStatus Frozen public void AddInterest TO DO Balance..

Polymorphism: Is ORM entity a Domain Entity or Data Entity?


double Balance get set string AccountStatus get set void FreezeAccount void AddInterest public class FixedBankAccount IBankAccount.. get set public double Balance get set public void FreezeAccount AccountStatus Frozen public class BankAccountService RepositoryLayer.IRepository.. domainBankAccountObj.FreezeAccount this.accountRepository.UpdateChangesByAttach oneOfRepositoryAccounts..

Optimizing Repository?™s SubmitChanges Method


double Balance get set string AccountStatus get set void FreezeAccount public class FixedBankAccount IBankAccount public int BankAccountID.. get set public double Balance get set public void FreezeAccount AccountStatus Frozen c# .net design patterns linq to sql..