c# Programming Glossary: frames
How do I merge/join MP3 files with C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1160888/how-do-i-merge-join-mp3-files-with-c mp3 share improve this question MP3 files consist of frames that each represent a short snippet I think around 25 ms of..
Display an Animated GIF in a Metro App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12756324/display-an-animated-gif-in-a-metro-app support animated GIFs. You will need to extract the frames and animate them on your own timer. You should take a look at..
System.Timers.Timer only gives max 64 frames per second http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13521521/system-timers-timer-only-gives-max-64-frames-per-second only gives max 64 frames per second I have an app that uses a System.Timers.Timer object..
How do I get a Video Thumbnail in .Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/155314/how-do-i-get-a-video-thumbnail-in-net function. Bonus points for avoiding selection of blank frames. c# .net video processing share improve this question This..
C# WebBrowser Control - Form Submit Not Working using InvokeMember(“Click”) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19044659/c-sharp-webbrowser-control-form-submit-not-working-using-invokememberclick may be called several time for the same page beacuse of frames if onloadEventHandler null onloadTcs null onloadTcs.Task.IsCompleted..
How do I get the member to which my custom attribute was applied? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2168942/how-do-i-get-the-member-to-which-my-custom-attribute-was-applied to be a lot of confusion with respect to how the stack frames and methods work here is a simple demonstration static void..
Webcam usage in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/233455/webcam-usage-in-c-sharp with the opencvdotnet wrapper. It supports capturing frames from a webcam using var cv new OpenCVDotNet.CVCapture 0 var..
How do I split a string by strings and include the delimiters using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2484919/how-do-i-split-a-string-by-strings-and-include-the-delimiters-using-net the result was always very consistent. The measured time frames are in the range of milliseconds up to seconds for the larger..
Checking stack size in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901185/checking-stack-size-in-c-sharp
Get string name of property using reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3661824/get-string-name-of-property-using-reflection name from there. var stackTrace new StackTrace var frames stackTrace.GetFrames var thisFrame frames 0 var method thisFrame.GetMethod.. StackTrace var frames stackTrace.GetFrames var thisFrame frames 0 var method thisFrame.GetMethod var methodName method.Name..
Convert bitmaps to one multipage TIFF image in .NET 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/398388/convert-bitmaps-to-one-multipage-tiff-image-in-net-2-0 a brand new image of TIFF format adding all the bitmaps as frames in this new tiff image using .NET 2.0. c# .net .net 2.0 drawing..
incorrect stacktrace by rethrow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4217616/incorrect-stacktrace-by-rethrow other. As the word says a stack trace shows you the stack frames that an exception traversed. And there is only one stack frame..
GetEntryAssembly for web applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4277692/getentryassembly-for-web-applications current method MethodBase methodCurrent null number of frames to skip int framestoSkip 1 loop until we cannot got further.. MethodBase methodCurrent null number of frames to skip int framestoSkip 1 loop until we cannot got further in the stacktrace do.. do get the stack frame skipping the given number of frames StackFrame stackFrame new StackFrame framestoSkip get the method..
Working way to make video from images in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539257/working-way-to-make-video-from-images-in-c-sharp AVI files the package creates appear to have all of the frames but only the first frame shows when I play the AVI in Windows..
How to (de)construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7040078/how-to-deconstruct-data-frames-in-websockets-hybi-08 to de construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08 Since Chrome updated to v14 they went.. ws.send method . Update Chrome can now also send binary frames with an ArrayBuffer . The last four bits of the first byte will..
Obtain parameter values from a stack frame in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/75076/obtain-parameter-values-from-a-stack-frame-in-net StringBuilder StackTrace st new StackTrace true StackFrame frames st.GetFrames foreach StackFrame frame in frames MethodBase.. StackFrame frames st.GetFrames foreach StackFrame frame in frames MethodBase method frame.GetMethod sb.AppendFormat 0 1 method.DeclaringType..