c# Programming Glossary: free
Parse JSON in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212344/parse-json-in-c-sharp title u003cb u003eCheese u003c b u003e Wikipedia the free encyclopedia titleNoFormatting Cheese Wikipedia the free encyclopedia.. free encyclopedia titleNoFormatting Cheese Wikipedia the free encyclopedia content u003cb u003eCheese u003c b u003e is a food..
Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151005/create-excel-xls-and-xlsx-file-from-c-sharp You can use a library called ExcelLibrary. It's a free open source library posted on Google Code ExcelLibrary This..
Splash Screen waiting until thread finishes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/392864/splash-screen-waiting-until-thread-finishes
Performance differences between debug and release builds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4043821/performance-differences-between-debug-and-release-builds This is a big one it makes property accessors essentially free. CPU register allocation. Local variables and method arguments..
Protect .NET code from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506282/protect-net-code-from-reverse-engineering your application Obfuscate your code. Dotfuscator has a free edition and comes with Visual Studio. Use public private key..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface I've seen code where the Dispose method is implemented to free managed resources which seems redundant to me since the garbage.. Point _theDict new Dictionary String Point Die clear it up free unmanaged resources public void Dispose _theList.clear _theDict.clear.. null My question is does this make the garbage collector free memory used by MyCollection any faster than it normally would..
Convert HTML to PDF in .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/564650/convert-html-to-pdf-in-net Table and the layout just gets messy. Is there any free library available c# html pdf share improve this question..
How do I convert Word files to PDF programmatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/607669/how-do-i-convert-word-files-to-pdf-programmatically to PDF programmatically I have found several open source freeware programs that allow you to convert .doc files to .pdf files.. Does anyone know of any clean inexpensive preferably free programmatic solution to my problem using C# or VB.NET Thanks..
Code Coverage for C#/.NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276829/code-coverage-for-c-net 159 for personal license 289 for commercial seat license Free during beta to become commercial pricing unknown future unknown..
Best Free Controls for .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/361271/best-free-controls-for-net Free Controls for .NET closed What Free Controls are there for .NET.. Free Controls for .NET closed What Free Controls are there for .NET both Winforms and Webforms c# .net.. Controls eXcentrics .NET Server Controls iTextSharp Free PDF On The Fly generator WPF XamDataGrid XCeed's WPF DataGrid..
What C# mocking framework to use? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37359/what-c-sharp-mocking-framework-to-use Commercial Paid Rhino Mocks Moq NSubstitute JustMock Free version and Commercial Paid version FakeItEasy Microsoft Fakes..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface to get rid of those managed objects public void Dispose Free unmanaged resources Win32.DestroyHandle this.gdiCursorBitmapStreamFileHandle.. Win32.DestroyHandle this.gdiCursorBitmapStreamFileHandle Free managed resources too if this.databaseConnection null this.databaseConnection.Dispose.. to be helpful is no longer there public void Dispose Free unmanaged resources Win32.DestroyHandle this.gdiCursorBitmapStreamFileHandle..
Large Object Heap Fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686950/large-object-heap-fragmentation 16147872 000000005e45f880 00000000001661d0 1901752 Free 000000005e62fd38 00000642788d8ba8 1056 000000005e630158 00000000001661d0.. 1056 000000005e630158 00000000001661d0 5988848 Free 000000005ebe6348 00000642788d8ba8 1056 000000005ebe6768 00000000001661d0.. 1056 000000005ebe6768 00000000001661d0 6481336 Free 000000005f214d20 00000642788d8ba8 1056 000000005f215140 00000000001661d0..
Convert a HTML Control (Div or Table) to an image using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1972739/convert-a-html-control-div-or-table-to-an-image-using-c-sharp
What is the best NHibernate cache L2 provider? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2137225/what-is-the-best-nhibernate-cache-l2-provider features not available. The below restrictions are on the FREE version. Key Based Dependency is not included None of the database..
Required Dialog for selecting Multiple Files and Folders .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3576769/required-dialog-for-selecting-multiple-files-and-folders-net in the same time. Can be used in .NET windows forms. FREE or can be used under GPL. Works in Win Xp and Win 7. Dialog..
.NET open PDF in winform without external dependencies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/549504/net-open-pdf-in-winform-without-external-dependencies PDF in winform without external dependencies Is there a FREE library which will allow me to open a pdf and show it on a winform..
HTML to PDF Converters for .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5513876/html-to-pdf-converters-for-net to PDF Converters for .NET I am in search of a FREE HTML to PDF converter for .NET which preferably takes an HTML..
Good way to convert VB.Net to C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/756590/good-way-to-convert-vb-net-to-c conversion tools out there to convert VB.Net code to C# FREE developerFusion Telerik CodeConverter SharpDevelop PAID VBConversions..
Free obfuscation tools for .NET [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805549/free-obfuscation-tools-for-net obfuscation tools for .NET closed Please point me to FREE Open source obfuscation tools for .NET assemblies. Edit I also..
Memcached on Windows (x64) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8896/memcached-on-windows-x64 UPDATE they have recently released Memcached Server still FREE but enhanced distro with clustering web based admin stats UI..