

c# Programming Glossary: frees

How to detect when application terminates?


Finalizers destructors in C# run when garbage collector frees unmanaged resources. Total execution time is limited . Order..

ServiceStack Request DTO design


will be thrown and serialized on the client instead. This frees you from having your Responses contain ResponseStatus properties...

Marshal.AllocHGlobal VS Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem, Marshal.SizeOf VS sizeof()


unmanaged memory is not the same as the code that frees it. There would be a good chance that the wrong de allocator..

C# memory usage


these numbers will vary. The CLR effectively allocates and frees virtual memory in big chunks on behalf of the .NET application..

how to delay shutdown and run a process in window service


corresponding ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy function which frees the reason string and indicates that the system can now be shut..

Create Bitmap from a byte array of pixel data


memory regions are treated different by the GC it moves frees this large object less frequently. So it can take a while to..

Monitoring Garbage Collector in C#


then it goes and marks all object trees that are garbage frees the memory and compacts it all while all other threads are suspended...