c# Programming Glossary: extensible
Writing C# Plugin System http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1070787/writing-c-sharp-plugin-system compiled to dynamically composed. If you are building extensible applications extensible frameworks and application extensions.. composed. If you are building extensible applications extensible frameworks and application extensions then MEF is for you. http..
C#: Difference between List<T> and Collection<T> (CA1002, Do not expose generic lists) [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1232108/c-difference-between-listt-and-collectiont-ca1002-do-not-expose-generic for Add Remove etc as it was designed to be fast not extensible. This means that you cannot swap this concrete implementation..
How do you build extensible data model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1945062/how-do-you-build-extensible-data-model do you build extensible data model I'm thinking of building a ecommerce application.. I'm thinking of building a ecommerce application with an extensible data model using NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate. By having.. model using NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate. By having an extensible data model I have the ability to define a Product entity and..
Should I seal all classes I know shouldn't ever be used as a base class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2164170/should-i-seal-all-classes-i-know-shouldnt-ever-be-used-as-a-base-class sealed share improve this question A class which is extensible implements the feature that it can be extended that's a feature..
Why aren't classes sealed by default? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/252257/why-arent-classes-sealed-by-default by default with some keyword to mark them explicitly as extensible I know it's somewhat different but access modifiers work this.. you want a class to be inheritable then you write public extensible class MyClass otherwise public sealed class MyClass BTW I think..
Why use MVVM? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2653096/why-use-mvvm structured code that is actually maintainable scalable and extensible. As an example if you follow MVVM properly you should be able..
Collection<T> versus List<T> what should you use on your interfaces? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/271710/collectiont-versus-listt-what-should-you-use-on-your-interfaces Future proofing List T is not designed to be easily extensible by subclassing it it is designed to be fast for internal implementations...
Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2873767/can-unity-be-made-to-not-throw-synchronizationlockexception-all-the-time SetValue without calling GetValue first. Luckily Unity is extensible enough that with enough bloody mindedness you can work around..
SOAP client in .NET - references or examples? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3100458/soap-client-in-net-references-or-examples communication frameworks the back end is meant to be extensible but note that the server side is implemented in PHP on Unix..
I need a fast runtime expression parser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4392022/i-need-a-fast-runtime-expression-parser this question Have you seen http ncalc.codeplex.com It's extensible fast e.g. has its own cache enables you to provide custom functions..
C# Using Activator.CreateInstance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5262693/c-sharp-using-activator-createinstance in OOP you may end up with a fast stable and still well extensible solution. Losing compile time type safety Of the five questions..
LINQ to SQL: Return anonymous type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/534690/linq-to-sql-return-anonymous-type
How to handle WCF exceptions (consolidated list with code) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6130331/how-to-handle-wcf-exceptions-consolidated-list-with-code traps every WCF exception a client could through and is extensible for your own custom channel errors. Sample WCF Client Usage..
Can we create custom HTTP Status codes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7996569/can-we-create-custom-http-status-codes conditions. To quote from RFC 2616 HTTP status codes are extensible. HTTP applications are not required to understand the meaning..
Is this Factory Method creation pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/806911/is-this-factory-method-creation-pattern I.e. factory class ScheduleTypeFactory needs to be extensible i.e. non static and GetScheduleItem needs to be virtual. share..
protobuf and List<object> - how to serialize / deserialize? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/923977/protobuf-and-listobject-how-to-serialize-deserialize There is also work in the pipeline to allow runtime extensible schemas rather than just attributes which are fixed at build..