

c# Programming Glossary: expression.new

Linq2SQL “or/and” operators (ANDed / ORed conditions)


Expression.Parameter typeof int value Expression.Property Expression.New typeof Foo .GetConstructor new Type Bar It then creates a similar.. Expression.Parameter typeof int value Expression.Property Expression.New typeof Bar .GetConstructor new Type Foo var exp2 Expression.Equal.. Expression.Parameter typeof int value Expression.Property Expression.New typeof Foo .GetConstructor new Type Bar var orExp Expression.OrElse..

combining two lamba expressions in c#


if HasValue args return null return ne.Members null Expression.New ne.Constructor CoalesceTerms args ne.Arguments Expression.New.. ne.Constructor CoalesceTerms args ne.Arguments Expression.New ne.Constructor CoalesceTerms args ne.Arguments ne.Members .. return expression.NodeType ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds Expression.NewArrayBounds nae.Type CoalesceTerms expr nae.Expressions Expression.NewArrayInit..

Copy values from one object to another


Expression initializer Expression.MemberInit Expression.New typeof TTarget bindings return Expression.Lambda Func TSource..

Why does the c# compiler emit Activator.CreateInstance when calling new in with a generic type with a new() constraint?


static Func T CreateFunc return Expression.Lambda Func T Expression.New typeof T .Compile private static Func T _func CreateFunc Example..

Incorrect number of parameters supplied for lambda declaration


typeof Engine var m Expression.Lambda Func Engine Car Expression.New ci engine .Compile var myCar m new Engine TDI 2.0 var s myCar.GetEngineName..

How to create LINQ Expression Tree with anonymous type in it


selector Expression.Lambda Expression.MemberInit Expression.New dynamicType.GetConstructor Type.EmptyTypes bindings sourceItem..

Apply properties values from one object to another of the same type automatically?


Expression initializer Expression.MemberInit Expression.New typeof TTarget bindings return Expression.Lambda Func TSource..