

c# Programming Glossary: expression.parameter

Copy values from one object to another


TTarget BuildCopier ParameterExpression sourceParameter Expression.Parameter typeof TSource source var bindings new List MemberBinding ..

How do I create an expression tree to represent 'String.Contains(“term”)' in C#?


string propertyName string propertyValue var parameterExp Expression.Parameter typeof T type var propertyExp Expression.Property parameter.. string propertyName string propertyValue var parameterExp Expression.Parameter typeof T type var propertyExp Expression.Property parameterExp..

Mutating the expression tree of a predicate to target another type


this.typeConverter dataContractType return Expression.Parameter activeRecordType node.Name With this visitor GetMany becomes..

How do I apply OrderBy on an IQueryable using a string column name within a generic extension method?


T query string columnName where T EntityObject var param Expression.Parameter typeof T o var body Expression.PropertyOrField param columnName.. T var property type.GetProperty ordering var parameter Expression.Parameter type p var propertyAccess Expression.MakeMemberAccess parameter..

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T>


'.' Type type typeof T ParameterExpression arg Expression.Parameter type x Expression expr arg foreach string prop in props use..

Combining two expressions (Expression<Func<T, bool>>)


Func T bool left Expression Func T bool right var param Expression.Parameter typeof T x var body Expression.AndAlso Expression.Invoke left..

C# Dynamic Event Subscription


x0 EventArgs x1 d var parameters eventParams.Select p Expression.Parameter p.ParameterType x var body Expression.Call Expression.Constant.. x1 d x1.IntArg var parameters eventParams.Select p Expression.Parameter p.ParameterType x .ToArray var arg getArgExpression parameters..

LINQ Expression to return Property value?


TValue block in values.GetBlocks blockSize var row Expression.Parameter typeof T row var member Expression.Invoke selector row var..

Compare nullable types in Linq to Sql


selector TValue value where TValue struct var param Expression.Parameter typeof T x var member Expression.Invoke selector param var body..

How to create LINQ Expression Tree with anonymous type in it


sourceProperties.Values ParameterExpression sourceItem Expression.Parameter source.ElementType t IEnumerable MemberBinding bindings dynamicType.GetFields..

C# LINQ to SQL: Refactoring this Generic GetByID method


public T GetByID int id var dbcontext DB var itemParameter Expression.Parameter typeof T item var whereExpression Expression.Lambda Func T bool.. id public virtual T GetById T short id var itemParameter Expression.Parameter typeof T item var whereExpression Expression.Lambda Func T bool.. public virtual T GetById T short id var itemParameter Expression.Parameter typeof T item var whereExpression Expression.Lambda Func T bool..

How to convert a String to its equivalent Expression Tree?


@ Person.Age 3 AND Person.Weight 50 OR Person.Age 3 var p Expression.Parameter typeof Person Person var e DynamicExpression.ParseLambda new..

Hows to quick check if data transfer two objects have equal properties in C#?


0 Compare delegate return true return var x Expression.Parameter typeof T x var y Expression.Parameter typeof T y Expression.. true return var x Expression.Parameter typeof T x var y Expression.Parameter typeof T y Expression body null for int i 0 i props.Length.. BindingFlags.Public .Cast MemberInfo var x Expression.Parameter typeof T x var y Expression.Parameter typeof T y Expression..