c# Programming Glossary: expressionvisitor
Why is ushort + ushort equal to int? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10065287/why-is-ushort-ushort-equal-to-int
IQueryable extension method for linq2entities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10826275/iqueryable-extension-method-for-linq2entities with custom expressions summary class ExtendableVisitor ExpressionVisitor class ExpandingVisitor ExpressionVisitor private Dictionary.. ExtendableVisitor ExpressionVisitor class ExpandingVisitor ExpressionVisitor private Dictionary ParameterExpression Expression _substitutionDictionary..
LINQ to entities - Building where clauses to test collections within a many to many relationship http://stackoverflow.com/questions/110314/linq-to-entities-building-where-clauses-to-test-collections-within-a-many-to-m hacked piece over with I had to use reflector and copy the ExpressionVisitor class that is marked as internal. I then had to make some minor.. a ParameterRebinder class public class ParameterRebinder ExpressionVisitor private readonly Dictionary ParameterExpression ParameterExpression..
Replace parameter in lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11159697/replace-parameter-in-lambda-expression expression private class ParameterReplacerVisitor TOutput ExpressionVisitor private ParameterExpression _source private Expression _target..
Mutating the expression tree of a predicate to target another type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2797261/mutating-the-expression-tree-of-a-predicate-to-target-another-type . After searching a bit I found System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor its source can be found here in the context of a how to which.. work with the predicate w w.Id 0 . internal class Visitor ExpressionVisitor private readonly Func Type Type typeConverter public Visitor..
Get all 'where' calls using ExpressionVisitor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4515550/get-all-where-calls-using-expressionvisitor all 'where' calls using ExpressionVisitor I have a query like such var query from sessions in dataSet.. sessions.Logout sessions.Duration I want to implement an ExpressionVisitor to extract BOTH the where clauses as Lambda's but so far have.. web service. It is internal class InnermostWhereFinder ExpressionVisitor private MethodCallExpression innermostWhereExpression public..
Expression Tree Copy or Convert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4601844/expression-tree-copy-or-convert expressions class Converter TTo class ConversionVisitor ExpressionVisitor private readonly ParameterExpression newParameter private readonly..
Replacing the parameter name in the Body of an Expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5430996/replacing-the-parameter-name-in-the-body-of-an-expression x.Body newY x.Parameters Or in .NET 4.0 using ExpressionVisitor class ParameterVisitor ExpressionVisitor private readonly ReadOnlyCollection.. in .NET 4.0 using ExpressionVisitor class ParameterVisitor ExpressionVisitor private readonly ReadOnlyCollection ParameterExpression from..
How do I translate an expression tree of one type to a different expression type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6698553/how-do-i-translate-an-expression-tree-of-one-type-to-a-different-expression-type parameter we invented earler Code class TypeChangeVisitor ExpressionVisitor private readonly Type from to private readonly Dictionary Expression..
How to Combine two lambdas [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6736505/how-to-combine-two-lambdas this question To complete Eric's answer using the new ExpressionVisitor introduced in .NET 4 rather than a custom rewriter internal.. than a custom rewriter internal class ParameterReplacer ExpressionVisitor private readonly ParameterExpression _parameter protected override..
AutoMapper for Func's between selector types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7424501/automapper-for-funcs-between-selector-types To replace the parameter I created a subclass of ExpressionVisitor class that can traverse an expression tree and replace a single.. with an arbitrary expression class ParameterReplacer ExpressionVisitor private ParameterExpression _parameter private Expression _replacement..