

c# Programming Glossary: expression.call

IQueryable extension method for linq2entities


TSource source return source.Provider.Execute TSource Expression.Call null MethodInfo MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod .MakeGenericMethod..

combining two lamba expressions in c#


if instance null HasValue args return null return Expression.Call instance mce.Method CoalesceTerms args mce.Arguments case..

sort columns of gridview in asp.net c#


Expression.Lambda propExp paramExp var methodCallExp Expression.Call typeof Queryable methodName new typeof T propExp.Type..

How do I create an expression tree to represent 'String.Contains(“term”)' in C#?


propertyValue typeof string var containsMethodExp Expression.Call propertyExp method someValue return Expression.Lambda Func T..

How do I apply OrderBy on an IQueryable using a string column name within a generic extension method?


propertyAccess parameter MethodCallExpression resultExp Expression.Call typeof Queryable OrderBy new Type type property.PropertyType.. instead of OrderBy MethodCallExpression resultExp Expression.Call typeof Queryable OrderByDescending new Type type property.PropertyType..

How do I create an expression tree calling IEnumerable<TSource>.Any(…)?


method reference if I make the parent method non generic Expression.Call fails but as per below if i use T the MethodInfo object is always.. Any new typeof Func IEnumerable T Boolean return Expression.Call propertyExp method predicateExp What am I doing wrong Anyone.. elemType new cType predType BindingFlags.Static return Expression.Call anyMethod collection Expression.Constant predicate Here's a..

C# Dynamic Event Subscription


p Expression.Parameter p.ParameterType x var body Expression.Call Expression.Constant d d.GetType .GetMethod Invoke var lambda.. var arg getArgExpression parameters 1 typeof T var body Expression.Call Expression.Constant d d.GetType .GetMethod Invoke arg var lambda..

When is it acceptable to call GC.Collect?


LINQ Expression to return Property value?


Expression.Constant block typeof TValue var predicate Expression.Call method keys member var lambda Expression.Lambda Func T bool..

How to create LINQ Expression Tree with anonymous type in it


bindings sourceItem return source.Provider.CreateQuery Expression.Call typeof Queryable Select new Type source.ElementType dynamicType..

Use reflection to get lambda expression from property Name


Expression.Constant inputText Expression equalsMethod Expression.Call property Equals null target Expression Func Foo bool lambda..