c# Programming Glossary: expander
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf Grid.Column 2 TextWrapping Wrap ToggleButton x Name Expander Grid.Row 1 Grid.Column 0 VerticalAlignment Top Content HorizontalAlignment.. Collapsed Grid DataTemplate.Triggers Trigger SourceName Expander Property IsChecked Value True Setter TargetName Contents Property.. Property Visibility Value Visible Setter TargetName Expander Property Content Value Trigger DataTemplate.Triggers DataTemplate..
Best practices for storing UI settings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246849/best-practices-for-storing-ui-settings the best practice for storing lots of UI settings e.g. Expander States Menu orders Sizing Properties etc... i don't like the..
How to save the IsExpanded state in group headers of a listview http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2808777/how-to-save-the-isexpanded-state-in-group-headers-of-a-listview Setter.Value ControlTemplate TargetType x Type GroupItem Expander IsExpanded True Expander.Header DockPanel TextBlock Text.. TargetType x Type GroupItem Expander IsExpanded True Expander.Header DockPanel TextBlock Text Binding Path Items 0 .ObjectType.. Text Binding Path Items 0 .ObjectType DockPanel Expander.Header Expander.Content ItemsPresenter Expander.Content ..
Help needed with unloading .DLL's from AppDomain - Still not working even with ShadowCopy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034654/help-needed-with-unloading-dlls-from-appdomain-still-not-working-even-with-s methods run in the AppDomain created by the class AppDomainExpander. That Expander is the class that creates the new domain hence.. the AppDomain created by the class AppDomainExpander. That Expander is the class that creates the new domain hence your domain setup..