

c# Programming Glossary: exiting

How to intersect two polygons?


points into those that are entering the final polygon or exiting the final polygon then you form a graph out of all the points.. By changing the way you define and treat the entering and exiting polygons you can achieve several possible polygon intersections..

How do I trap ctrl-c in a C# console app


application so that I can carry out some cleanups before exiting. What is the best way of doing this c# .net console copy paste..

Lock statement vs Monitor.Enter method


What are the differences between various threading synchronization options in C#?


must wait till the current owner relinquishes the lock by exiting the block of code. Also it is recommended that you lock on a..

What really happens in a try { return x; } finally { x = null; } statement?


into the variable inside the handled block then after exiting the block loads the variable then returns it. Reflector renders..

Does lock() guarantee acquired in order requested?


time.Ticks Thread.Sleep time Console.WriteLine 0 2 exiting lock s.Index s.Sync.Set private class State public int Index.. 5 Go entered 6 Go entered 7 Go entered 8 Go entered 9 0 exiting lock 1 got lock 1 sleeping for 5001 ticks 1 exiting lock 2 got.. 9 0 exiting lock 1 got lock 1 sleeping for 5001 ticks 1 exiting lock 2 got lock 2 sleeping for 5001 ticks 2 exiting lock 3 got..

Creating a blocking Queue<T> in .NET?


you'd want a way to close the queue so that readers start exiting cleanly perhaps something like a bool flag if set an empty queue..

What is a good way to shutdown Threads blocked on NamedPipeServer#WaitForConnection?


call EndWaitForConnection absorbing any exceptions and exiting call End... to ensure any resources are able to be cleaned up..

Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file?


background so Win32 bugs won't stop your process from exiting. using System using System.Collections.Generic using System.Runtime.InteropServices..

How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework?


with SmtpTransport#44624228 System.Net Verbose 0 1024 Exiting SmtpClient .ctor SmtpClient#64923656 System.Net Information.. Socket InterNetwork#2 System.Net.Sockets Verbose 0 1024 Exiting Socket#26756241 Socket System.Net.Sockets Verbose 0 1024 Socket#23264094.. Socket InterNetworkV6#23 System.Net.Sockets Verbose 0 1024 Exiting Socket#23264094 Socket System.Net.Sockets Verbose 0 1024 Socket#26756241..

Strange behaviour of Console.ReadKey() with multithreading


the test function. Thread.Sleep 1000 Console.WriteLine Exiting the test function. What do you think that will print out if.. is just what you'd expect X Entering the test function. Exiting the test function. Now comment out the Console.WriteLine X and.. I expected to see this output Entering the test function. Exiting the test function. Instead I see nothing . Then when I press..