c# Programming Glossary: executionpolicy
Run Powershell-Script from C# Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11120452/run-powershell-script-from-c-sharp-application invoker new RunspaceInvoke invoker.Invoke Set ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted string cmdArg C Scripts GroupNewGroup.ps1 1 .. share improve this question Have you tried Set ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted using new Impersonator myUsername myDomainname.. invoker new RunspaceInvoke invoker.Invoke Set ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Edit Found this little gem... http www.codeproject.com..
Execute PowerShell as an administrator from C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1313673/execute-powershell-as-an-administrator-from-c-sharp invoker new RunspaceInvoke invoker.Invoke Set ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted ... which gives me the exception Access to the..
Post build event execute powershell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6500320/post-build-event-execute-powershell The following line allow PowerShell to execute scripts Set ExecutionPolicy unrestricted Special mention here if you are running a 64bits..
Returning Json instead of XML with Umbraco Base http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9861285/returning-json-instead-of-xml-with-umbraco-base