

c# Programming Glossary: evil

I've been hacked. Evil aspx file uploaded called AspxSpy. They're still trying. Help me trap them??/a>


How much faster is C++ than C#?


Knuth said premature optimization is the root of all evil . If you really know for sure that your application will mostly..

Parsing Performance (If, TryParse, Try-Catch)


97 of the time premature optimization is the root of all evil . Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical..

Can you convince a DataContext to treat a column as always dirty?


answer I ended up with something like below this is evil and brittle reflection often is but may have to suffice for..

Algorithm to avoid SQL injection on MSSQL Server from C# code?


of these will do it all. Adopt the notion that All data is evil. All data even the data stored in the database or on our file..

Does reflection breaks the idea of private methods, because private methods can be access outside of the class?


to you . The security system protects good users from evil code . It doesn't protect good code from evil users . If you.. users from evil code . It doesn't protect good code from evil users . If you want to make something private to keep it from.. If you want to make it private to keep a secret from evil hackers who have lured the user into running hostile low trust..

FileNotFoundException in ApplicationSettingsBase


0 . ns.GetHashCode This GetTempAssemblyName is the evil doer in this case. The StringCollection class lives in the System.dll..

IEnumerable vs List - What to Use? How do they work?


which of the two options is the best performance wise The evil List conversion via .ToList Or maybe using the enumerator directly..

Question about terminating a thread cleanly in .NET


a thread cleanly in .NET I understand Thread.Abort is evil from the multitude of articles I've read on the topic so I'm..

Why are mutable structs evil?


are mutable structs evil Following the discussions here on SO I already read several.. read several times the remark that mutable structs are evil like in the answer to this question . What's the actual problem..

ReadOnlyCollection or IEnumerable for exposing member collections?


you guarantee that no code will ever use ICollection Foo evil ICollection Foo bar.Foos evil.Add ... then sure no harm will.. ever use ICollection Foo evil ICollection Foo bar.Foos evil.Add ... then sure no harm will be done if you just return the..

Does any one know of a faster method to do String.Split()?


Immutability of structs [duplicate]


duplicate Possible Duplicate Why are mutable structs evil I read it in lots of places including here that it's better..

Are get and set functions popular with C++ programmers?


seems to argue both sides I think getters and setters are evil if used excessively by that I mean when it's not necessary and..

Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application?


which leaves the program running to be necessarily totally evil. As said twice before such a decision might be valid depending..

Why catch and rethrow Exception in C#?


First the way that the code in the article does it is evil. throw ex will reset the call stack in the exception to the..

Can structs contain references to reference types in C#


x Eek bar's list has now changed too Mutable structs are evil. Immutable structs with references to mutable types are sneakily..