c# Programming Glossary: everytime
What's a good threadsafe singleton generic template pattern in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/100081/whats-a-good-threadsafe-singleton-generic-template-pattern-in-c-sharp when checked against the ECMA CLI standard. Also watch out everytime you instantiate your object with a new type of T it becomes..
How to kill a thread instantly in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1327102/how-to-kill-a-thread-instantly-in-c MessageBox.Show Dead Reciever.Start i am using this but everytime i get Alive status Reciever is my global thread c# winforms..
Using a Background Worker - Update a ProgressBar on the progress of a Recursive Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1334799/using-a-background-worker-update-a-progressbar-on-the-progress-of-a-recursive anything which is ok but it expects a directoryInfo object everytime it is recalled. private void getSizeForTargetDirectory DirectoryInfo..
Setting ViewStateUserKey gives me a “Validation of viewstate MAC failed” error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1418233/setting-viewstateuserkey-gives-me-a-validation-of-viewstate-mac-failed-error host has now upgraded to .NET 3.5 SP1. After this update everytime I compile with the ViewStateUserKey setting above I constantly..
C#: Assign same value to multiple variables in single statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1419252/c-assign-same-value-to-multiple-variables-in-single-statement Take for example a class that write to the console everytime the get and set accessor are invoked. static void Main string..
Will a request in IIS run on a single thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1643987/will-a-request-in-iis-run-on-a-single-thread set correct. One way to do it is to specify the culture everytime we do a ToString. However we were wondering is it possible to..
Datagridview: How to set a cell in editing mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1814423/datagridview-how-to-set-a-cell-in-editing-mode what I don't want. So I was thinking tell the user to TAB everytime it has finished writing on the cell then select the second cell..
Pros and Cons of using SqlCommand Prepare in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2449827/pros-and-cons-of-using-sqlcommand-prepare-in-c I've encountered advice to always use SqlCommand.Prepare everytime I execute SQL call whether its' a SELECT UPDATE or INSERT on..
Are .Net switch statements hashed or indexed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3366376/are-net-switch-statements-hashed-or-indexed for later use. Do not be fooled into thinking this happens everytime. The compiler is actually generating a separate static class..
Using DateTime in a SqlParameter for Stored Procedure, format error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425870/using-datetime-in-a-sqlparameter-for-stored-procedure-format-error the sproc from SQL Management Studio works fine. But everytime I call it from C# I get an error about the date format. When..
How to use multiple form elements in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5070399/how-to-use-multiple-form-elements-in-asp-net-mvc you POST back everything works automatically. Conclusion everytime you write a loop for or foreach inside an ASP.NET MVC view you..
Why no ICloneable<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/536349/why-no-icloneablet be much more comfortable if I would not need to cast it everytime I clone something. c# .net icloneable share improve this..
Is it better to execute many sql commands with one connection, or reconnect everytime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5981376/is-it-better-to-execute-many-sql-commands-with-one-connection-or-reconnect-ever execute many sql commands with one connection or reconnect everytime Here's my test code which seems to suggest that it's better..
ASP.NET MVC Cookie Implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6797350/asp-net-mvc-cookie-implementation in my application. Mainly I check in base controller everytime whether or not if cookie is set. If cookie public class MyCookie..
ADO.Net Entity Framework An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/694625/ado-net-entity-framework-an-entity-object-cannot-be-referenced-by-multiple-insta of the contact married single etc and Country. But everytime I try to save my contact which is validated I get the exception..
Ways of keeping configuration code out of logic code using Dependency Injection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7288859/ways-of-keeping-configuration-code-out-of-logic-code-using-dependency-injection file. Do I really have to inject a configuration class everytime I need it or is there another pattern It would be great to get..
C# - HttpWebRequest POST (Login to Facebook) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8425593/c-sharp-httpwebrequest-post-login-to-facebook etc . I'm getting redirected back to Facebook's main page everytime I execute the code below. string email email string pw pw string.. to do it shortly after I posted. Facebook sends a cookie everytime you visit it to see if you have cookies enabled what I did was..
Form TextBox values to Form2 TextBox values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14425713/form-textbox-values-to-form2-textbox-values EventArgs e MessageBox.Show GetSomeProperty.Invoke Everytime you call GetSomeProperty.Invoke the Func will call the get accessor..
.NET: Unable to cast object to interface it implements http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1596796/net-unable-to-cast-object-to-interface-it-implements is a IPlugin interface which comes from Library.dll too . Everytime I called the PluginManager to load the plugins it could not..
Debug Windows Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629720/debug-windows-service I look at a template . EDIT 2 NONE OF THESE ARE WORKING Everytime I try something I get some message about having to use NET START..
How to change XML Attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/367730/how-to-change-xml-attribute xdocument xmldocument share improve this question Mike Everytime I need to modify an XML document I work it this way Here is..
Asp Composite control child control (radiobutton) losing checked value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3854193/asp-composite-control-child-control-radiobutton-losing-checked-value can add questions through a custom Collection Editor. Everytime i add a question to the collection editor list it generates..
Is there a “first run” flag in WP7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4609412/is-there-a-first-run-flag-in-wp7 return false only the first time a user ever runs this. Everytime thereafter a placeholder file will have been written to disk..
AutoMapper vs ValueInjecter [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4663577/automapper-vs-valueinjecter vs ValueInjecter closed Everytime I'm looking for AutoMapper stuff on StackOverflow I'm reading..
Cookie Confusion with FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() Method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4939533/cookie-confusion-with-formsauthentication-setauthcookie-method to stored username and password in the encrypted cookie. Everytime a masterpage is loaded I check My.Profile.Current.IsAuthenticated..
Getting return value from stored procedure in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/706361/getting-return-value-from-stored-procedure-in-c-sharp .Value Note Exception handling cut to keep the code short. Everytime I get to the last line null is returned. What's the logic error..