

c# Programming Glossary: everyone

Catch multiple Exceptions at once?


I still want to throw that higher. About the Answer Thanks everyone For some reason I had my mind set on a switch case statement..

ASP.NET C# Static Variables are global?


'static' keyword to stop the variable being set read by everyone. Any thoughts Thanks c# asp.net static variables share improve..

Silent failures in C#, seemingly unhandled exceptions that does not crash the program


Application.Run f EDIT It seems it does not happend to everyone. I use fw 3.5 winforms vs 2008 vista x64 new clean project of..

What are regular expression Balancing Groups?


You need to document it really well and be sure that everyone who works on it is also aware of these features. Otherwise you..

What is the fastest way I can compare two equal-size bitmaps to determine whether they are identical?


the context I think any improvement is useful. Thanks everyone. Edit 2 Forgot to turn optimizations on doing that gives GrayWizardX's..

Which C# 4.0 Book would you purchase, and why? [closed]


Once again thank you all for your time. Update Thank you everyone for your responses. I've decided to purchase both books along..

How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation?


one person cracking your code for it to be available to everyone. You have to be lucky every time. The pirates only have to be..

Invert “if” statement to reduce nesting


great even if they contradicted each other.... . Thanks everyone c# resharper share improve this question A return in the..

Parse email content from quoted reply


prefix the lines with an angle bracket. Unfortunately not everyone does this. Does anyone have any idea on how to programmatically..

Mutating the expression tree of a predicate to target another type


this long question from becoming even longer. Thanks to everyone for your answers and comments c# linq lambda expression trees..

IIS Express enable external request


prompt netsh http add urlacl url http vaidesg 8080 user everyone For XP first install Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools...

DateTime vs DateTimeOffset


. By that I mean a moment in time that is universal for everyone not accounting for relativity . Another way to represent instantaneous..

Calling virtual method in base class constructor


in the constructor document it very strongly. So long as everyone involved is aware of what it's doing it shouldn't cause too..

How can I programmatically determine if my workstation is locked?


I'll write it up anyway and see if it works. Thanks everyone c# productivity share improve this question I hadn't found..

Inline functions in C#?


functions see @jalf's answer or What is this 'Lambda' everyone keeps speaking of . c# optimization inline share improve..

the type or namespace name could not be found


.Net Framework 4 and now I have a successful build. Thanks everyone I guess it figures that after all that time spent searching..

Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR


at the suggestion of Michael Haren. Also I want to thank everyone who's provided insight and perspective on my question. c# casting..

Add “Everyone” privilege to folder using C#.NET


means we work on non English systems. SecurityIdentifier everyone new SecurityIdentifier WellKnownSidType.WorldSid null sec.AddAccessRule.. null sec.AddAccessRule new FileSystemAccessRule everyone FileSystemRights.Modify FileSystemRights.Synchronize InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit..

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server


based any .net language is acceptable EDIT I want to thank everyone that gave good answers. Unfortunately I could only accept one..

How to resize window using XNA


over an hour of googling are essentially the same thing. Everyone says that in order to resize a window in XNA you simply add..

Install to same path when upgrading application


path. Generally the only difference between Just Me and Everyone is the location of the shortcuts that are created. You can run..

Best Practice for Exception Handling in a Windows Forms Application?


Exception handling in .NET is more art than science. Everyone will have their favorites to share here. These are just a few..

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?


by 'Marc' to work also on localized systems don't use just Everyone var allowEveryoneRule new MutexAccessRule new SecurityIdentifier.. on localized systems don't use just Everyone var allowEveryoneRule new MutexAccessRule new SecurityIdentifier WellKnownSidType.WorldSid.. new MutexSecurity securitySettings.AddAccessRule allowEveryoneRule mutex.SetAccessControl securitySettings edited by acidzombie24..

setting UAC settings of a file in C#


FileSystemAccessRule fsar new FileSystemAccessRule Everyone FileSystemRights.FullControl AccessControlType.Allow fs.AddAccessRule..

Accessing Office Word object model through asp.net results in “failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied.”


as far as I know I can't be any more permissive than Everyone Full Control . Can anyone shed any light c# asp.net vb.net..

.NET now support trailing comma in array like python does [closed]


trailing comma in array like python does closed Hi Everyone today i just noted that C# 3.5 have a interesting feature which..

Show Images from outside of ASP.NET Application


privileges on all folders and sub folders as Readable to Everyone so IIS Visual Studio should be able to but isn't showing the..

Database Deployment Strategies (SQL Server)


is keeping the database scripts in line with a release. Everyone seems to try the script out on the test database then run them..

Sessions in Asynchronous design


and solution so that someone may find this useful. Everyone that commented is correct about recommending not to use Sessions..

Add “Everyone” privilege to folder using C#.NET


&ldquo Everyone&rdquo privilege to folder using C#.NET I have used the code.. folder using C#.NET I have used the code below to allow Everyone access to a folder System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity.. FileSystemAccessRule accRule new FileSystemAccessRule Everyone FileSystemRights.Modify AccessControlType.Allow sec.AddAccessRule..

How do I programmatically change the security attributes of a file so that any user can delete the file


method to add an ACL that gives the built in Everyone group the ability to delete the file. The MSDN documentation..

How and why do I set up a C# build machine?


Update Jenkins is the most up to date version of Hudson. Everyone should be using Jenkins now. I'll be updating the links accordingly...

Is extending String class with IsNullOrEmpty confusing?


extending String class with IsNullOrEmpty confusing Everyone knows and love String.IsNullOrEmpty yourString method. I was..

Compile Time Reflection in C#


that has to use magic strings to express property names. Everyone knows the problems with magic strings. They are very difficult..