c# Programming Glossary: ever
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the of a control from the child thread. I'm not going to do it ever from a child thread. So only accessing the value so that the.. delegate name textbox1.text if name MyName do whatever Do your serious processing in the separate thread before you..
XDocument or XMLDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1542073/xdocument-or-xmldocument APIs which will expect this. If you get the choice however I would thoroughly recommend using XDocument aka LINQ to XML... to work with in LINQ to XML unlike any other XML API I've ever seen XNamespace ns http somewhere.com XElement element new XElement..
TransactionScope automatically escalating to MSDTC on some machines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1690892/transactionscope-automatically-escalating-to-msdtc-on-some-machines to hunt down the problem have been fully patched with everything that's available from Microsoft Update. Update 1 http.. with does not cause a transaction to be promoted. However whenever you open a second connection to a database causing.. does not cause a transaction to be promoted. However whenever you open a second connection to a database causing the database..
Understanding Garbage Collection in .net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17130382/understanding-garbage-collection-in-net Debug Windows Disassembly window. The second duty is however completely invisible. It also generates a table that describes.. is very common your Main method for example will only ever stop executing just before your program terminates. Clearly.. that code was pointless. It makes no difference whatsoever whether or not that statement is present when you run the code..
Multiple Inheritance in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178333/multiple-inheritance-in-c-sharp the different superclasses Perl is the only language I've ever worked with where MI works and works well. .Net may well introduce..
Why .NET String is immutable? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2365272/why-net-string-is-immutable of creating a sub range would be copying the objects. However if it was immutable then the sub range object could reference.. even here it's often overstated remember you have to do several appends before StringBuilder becomes more efficient than the.. to be modelled by an Employee object whose salary could never ever change though sometimes even then it can be useful in a..
How to avoid Dependency Injection constructor madness? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2420193/how-to-avoid-dependency-injection-constructor-madness Container con SomeClass1 obj1 SomeClass2 obj2.... with ever increasing parameter list. Since Container is my dependency.. why can't I just do this public MyClass Container con for every class What are the downsides If I do this it feels like I'm..
How is Generic Covariance & Contra-variance Implemented in C# 4.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/245607/how-is-generic-covariance-contra-variance-implemented-in-c-sharp-4-0 book of trying to use a List Banana as a List Fruit or whatever it was still won't work but a few other scenarios will. Firstly.. . The most obvious example is IEnumerable T which only ever lets you take values out of it it doesn't let you add new ones...
What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38635/what-static-analysis-tools-are-available-for-c before but it's been in development for what seems like forever it's looking pretty slick from what little I've seen of it so.. little I've seen of it so it would be nice if it would ever see the light of day. Along these same lines this is primarily..
Performance differences between debug and release builds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4043821/performance-differences-between-debug-and-release-builds method arguments can stay stored in a CPU register without ever or less frequently being stored back to the stack frame. This.. internally . When the JIT compiler can verify that a loop never indexes an array out of bounds then it will eliminate the index.. Release build version of your program. It does happen however. Both the x64 and the x86 jitters have had problems with structs...
How can I create a Product Key for my C# App http://stackoverflow.com/questions/453030/how-can-i-create-a-product-key-for-my-c-sharp-app runs on. Developers have been trying to come up with ever more complex schemes for this thinking that if they develop..
VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933958/vs2010-does-not-show-unhandled-exception-message-in-a-winforms-application-on-a an unhandled exception message at the second line. However what happens is that the third line is just skipped without.. message loop isn't disabled in debug mode. This setting however makes all unhandled exceptions hard to debug the ThreadException.. Load event handler. It is very rare to need it it is however popular with VB6 programmers where Load was a big deal. You..
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496096/casting-vs-using-the-as-keyword-in-the-clr at the suggestion of Michael Haren. Also I want to thank everyone who's provided insight and perspective on my question. .. to convert the value. To put it another way would anyone ever write int value if int.TryParse text value value int.Parse text..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents been an enormous amount of backlash against it but nobody ever really explains why it is bad . The same kind of wisdom as don't.. program actually contains a call to DoEvents . It is cleverly disguised however with a different name ShowDialog . It is.. contains a call to DoEvents . It is cleverly disguised however with a different name ShowDialog . It is DoEvents that allows..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface It needs to be done at some point otherwise they will never be cleaned up. The garbage collector doesn't know how to call.. P Invoke calls to get outside of the nice comfy world of everything available to you in the .NET Framwork is unmanaged and.. do better If the user calls Dispose on your object then everything has been cleaned up. Later on when the garbage collector..
How to add a Timeout to Console.ReadLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57615/how-to-add-a-timeout-to-console-readline a timeout occurs or not only one background thread will ever be running and only at most one call to ReadLine will ever be.. ever be running and only at most one call to ReadLine will ever be active. Calling the function will always result in the latest.. with this solution is that it is not thread safe. However multiple threads can't really ask the user for input at the..
C# DLL config file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/594298/c-sharp-dll-config-file ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ConnectionString However when I copy the app.config file to my console application it..