c# Programming Glossary: cellvalue
How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954966/how-to-export-a-jqgrid-data-to-excel-using-c new Text Text colunmModels iCol .Header DataType CellValues.InlineString StyleIndex styleIndex CellReference GetCellReference.. r.Append new OpenXmlElement create Cell with CellValue as a child which has Text as a child new Cell new CellValue.. as a child which has Text as a child new Cell new CellValue Text data iCol StyleIndex styleIndex CellReference GetCellReference..
OpenXML SDK having borders for cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15791732/openxml-sdk-having-borders-for-cell cell InsertCellInWorksheet column row worksheetPart cell.CellValue new CellValue index.ToString cell.DataType new EnumValue CellValues.. column row worksheetPart cell.CellValue new CellValue index.ToString cell.DataType new EnumValue CellValues CellValues.SharedString.. new CellValue index.ToString cell.DataType new EnumValue CellValues CellValues.SharedString For this cell how do I add a border..
Open XML SDK 2.0 - how to update a cell in a spreadsheet? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527028/open-xml-sdk-2-0-how-to-update-a-cell-in-a-spreadsheet worksheetPart.Worksheet columnName rowIndex cell.CellValue new CellValue text cell.DataType new EnumValue CellValues.. columnName rowIndex cell.CellValue new CellValue text cell.DataType new EnumValue CellValues CellValues.Number.. new CellValue text cell.DataType new EnumValue CellValues CellValues.Number Save the worksheet. worksheetPart.Worksheet.Save..
Open Xml and Date format in Excel cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6033376/open-xml-and-date-format-in-excel-cell 1 Cell cells new Cell 2 Cell cell1 new Cell cell1.DataType CellValues.InlineString cell1.InlineString new InlineString Text new Text.. Daniel cells 0 cell1 Cell cell2 new Cell cell2.DataType CellValues.Number cell2.CellValue new CellValue 50.5 .ToString cells 1.. Cell cell2 new Cell cell2.DataType CellValues.Number cell2.CellValue new CellValue 50.5 .ToString cells 1 cell2 row.Append cells..