c# Programming Glossary: caution
Attach debugger in C# to another process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11811856/attach-debugger-in-c-sharp-to-another-process access to the source code. Automatically with C# A note of caution The following code is brittle in the sense that certain values..
Get property name and type using lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273941/get-property-name-and-type-using-lambda-expression Program p p.Name Console.WriteLine member.Name A word of caution though the simple statment of Program p p.Name actually involves..
What is managed/unmanaged code in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/334326/what-is-managed-unmanaged-code-in-c going outside the security perimeter for managed code due caution is required. Here is some other complimentary explication about..
DataContract XML serialization and XML attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4858798/datacontract-xml-serialization-and-xml-attributes perform as well as the default serializer so use it with caution. The following class structure will give you the result you..
how to delay shutdown and run a process in window service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5217246/how-to-delay-shutdown-and-run-a-process-in-window-service to heed your advice and cancel the shutdown or throw caution to the wind and cancel anyway. As soon as your application finishes..
OLEDB, Writing Excel cell without leading apostrophe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/755621/oledb-writing-excel-cell-without-leading-apostrophe be unavoidable when inserting text into Excel via ADO A caution about editing Excel data with ADO When you insert text data..
Data binding dynamic data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/882214/data-binding-dynamic-data of .NET is very powerful but very complex. A word of caution unless you have a lot of time for this you may do well to simply..