c# Programming Glossary: certification
Signing SOAP messages using X.509 certificate from WCF service to Java webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4666970/signing-soap-messages-using-x-509-certificate-from-wcf-service-to-java-webservic my test project client endpoint address http entrust user certification uat.fm.rbsgrp.net rbs WebAS behaviorConfiguration endpointCredentialsBehavior.. name WebAsServicePortType identity dns value entrust user certification uat.fm.rbsgrp.net identity endpoint client bindings wsHttpBinding.. clientCredentials clientCertificate findValue entrust user certification uat.fm.rbsgrp.net storeLocation LocalMachine storeName TrustedPublisher..
How to retrieve certificates from a pfx file with c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5036590/how-to-retrieve-certificates-from-a-pfx-file-with-c Exchange PKCS #12 .PFX Include all certificates in the certification path if possible Enable strong protection requires IE 5.0 NT..
How do I use WebRequest to access an SSL encrypted site using https? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/560804/how-do-i-use-webrequest-to-access-an-ssl-encrypted-site-using-https certification System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain..
How to detect if another audio is playing in background? (Windows Phone 7) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7034205/how-to-detect-if-another-audio-is-playing-in-background-windows-phone-7 Windows Phone 7 One of my apps have recently failed certification because my app stops background music without asking user when..
using legacy assemblies in metro style app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7722868/using-legacy-assemblies-in-metro-style-app below . After switching on compiler optimization for app certification passed . The reason that it failed the first time was that library..
HTTPS from a console application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10274207/https-from-a-console-application Computer Account Local computer. Navigate to Intermediate Certification Authorities Certificates. Right Click and choose import. Navigate..
How to pass the smart screen on Win8 when install a signed application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12311203/how-to-pass-the-smart-screen-on-win8-when-install-a-signed-application Apply for a Windows Logo or Windows 8 Desktop App Certification Learn more about these programs here Windows 8 Desktop App Certification.. Learn more about these programs here Windows 8 Desktop App Certification required for Windows Store submissions Windows Logo Program..
How to simulate Windows shutdown for debugging? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520910/how-to-simulate-windows-shutdown-for-debugging S where PID is the process ID. According to the Vista Logo Certification Test Cases document Restart Manager shutdown messages are a...
EF 4.1 - Code First - JSON Circular Reference Serialization Error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5588143/ef-4-1-code-first-json-circular-reference-serialization-error get set public virtual Patient Patient get set public int CertificationPeriodId get set public virtual CertificationPeriod CertificationPeriod.. public int CertificationPeriodId get set public virtual CertificationPeriod CertificationPeriod get set public int AgencyId get set.. get set public virtual CertificationPeriod CertificationPeriod get set public int AgencyId get set public virtual Agency..
using legacy assemblies in metro style app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7722868/using-legacy-assemblies-in-metro-style-app of my class in debugger. Then I tried to pass Windows App Certification. It failed see details below . After switching on compiler optimization..
LinkButton not firing on production server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/96837/linkbutton-not-firing-on-production-server This is a good candidate for the Works on My Machine Certification Program . I have the following code for a LinkButton... cc1..