c# Programming Glossary: cellformat
Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012547/creating-excel-document-with-openxml-sdk-2-0 Count UInt32Value 2U new Borders ... ... ... new CellFormats new CellFormat NumberFormatId UInt32Value 0U FontId UInt32Value.. UInt32Value 2U new Borders ... ... ... new CellFormats new CellFormat NumberFormatId UInt32Value 0U FontId UInt32Value 0U FillId UInt32Value.. Fill with red background Indexed value 64 and added new CellFormats that reference the index of the new Font and Fill. Make sure..
How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954966/how-to-export-a-jqgrid-data-to-excel-using-c get public bool IsRotatedHeader set get public enum OutputCellFormat uint Text Integer Date TextHeader TextHeaderRotated TextCenter.. iCol .IsRotatedHeader UInt32Value uint OutputCellFormat.TextHeaderRotated 1 UInt32Value uint OutputCellFormat.TextHeader.. 1 UInt32Value uint OutputCellFormat.TextHeader 1 r.Append new OpenXmlElement create Cell with..
OpenXML SDK having borders for cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15791732/openxml-sdk-having-borders-for-cell Since you can have multiple styles applied to a cell a CellFormat object is where all the indices for the various styles are stored... indices for the various styles are stored. Once you have a CellFormat for a cell its index needs to be referenced on the actual cell.. Then once you get your cell you need to get the CellFormat that belong to that cell and also to add a new CellFormat public..