c# Programming Glossary: cc
How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1011245/how-can-i-send-emails-through-ssl-smtp-with-the-net-framework mail.From new MailAddress from mail.To.Add to mail.CC.Add cc mail.Subject subject mail.Body content mail.IsBodyHtml useHtml..
Why does my C# gzip produce a larger file than Fiddler or PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11435200/why-does-my-c-sharp-gzip-produce-a-larger-file-than-fiddler-or-php 0000 0040 69 47 23 29 ab 2a 81 ca 65 56 65 5d 66 16 40 cc iG# . .. eVe f.@. 0000 0050 ed 9d bc f7 de 7b ef bd f7 de 7b..
HttpWebRequest not passing Credentials http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1702426/httpwebrequest-not-passing-credentials passing Credentials I'm trying to use HTTPWebRequest to access a REST service and am having problems passing credentials.. uses NTLM authentication you may try this CredentialCache cc new CredentialCache cc.Add new Uri https mywebserver webpage.. you may try this CredentialCache cc new CredentialCache cc.Add new Uri https mywebserver webpage NTLM new NetworkCredential..
Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx): Take action once all events are completed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3867858/reactive-extensions-for-net-rx-take-action-once-all-events-are-completed plan1 checkChanged .And check1Changed .And keyPress .Then cc cc1 kp Done. var when Observable.When plan1 when.Subscribe result.. checkChanged .And check1Changed .And keyPress .Then cc cc1 kp Done. var when Observable.When plan1 when.Subscribe result.. plan1 checkChanged.And check1Changed .And keyPress .Then cc cc1 kp Done. var plan2 keyPress.And keyPress1 .Then kp kp1 Alternate..
How could the new async feature in c# 5.0 be implemented with call/cc? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4070237/how-could-the-new-async-feature-in-c-sharp-5-0-be-implemented-with-call-cc the new async feature in c# 5.0 be implemented with call cc I've been following the new announcement regarding the new.. natively via call with current continuation callcc but I don't really understand how that works or what it does.. al. had decided to bite the bullet and just implement callcc in c# 5.0 instead of the async await special case what would..
How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699938/how-to-download-the-file-using-httpwebrequest-and-httpwebresponse-classcookies Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes reqString string s1 CookieContainer cc new CookieContainer var request HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create.. loginUri request.Proxy null request.CookieContainer cc request.Method POST HttpWebResponse ws HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse.. new FileStream weather.jpg FileMode.OpenOrCreate FileAccess.Write fstr.Write inBuf 0 bytesRead str.Close fstr.Close ..
The call stack does not say “where you came from”, but “where you are going next”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6595473/the-call-stack-does-not-say-where-you-came-from-but-where-you-are-going-next where you came from. That it usually does so is a happy accident. Moreover the stack is just an implementation detail of.. primitive called call with current continuation or call cc for short. In this stackoverflow question I explain the trivial.. I explain the trivial difference between await and call cc How could the new async feature in c# 5.0 be implemented with..
Regex: Named Capturing Groups in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/906493/regex-named-capturing-groups-in-net mc qariRegex.Matches page CaptureCollection cc mc 0 .Captures MessageBox.Show cc 0 .ToString However this always.. page CaptureCollection cc mc 0 .Captures MessageBox.Show cc 0 .ToString However this always just shows the full line td.. websites but I keep getting the same result. How can I access the named capturing groups that are specified in my regex..
(407) Proxy Authentication Required, in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9603093/407-proxy-authentication-required-in-c-sharp proxy WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy CredentialCache cc new CredentialCache NetworkCredential nc new NetworkCredential.. userName nc.Password password nc.Domain mydomain cc.Add http 8888 Basic nc proxy.Credentials cc proxy.Credentials.. cc.Add http 8888 Basic nc proxy.Credentials cc proxy.Credentials System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials..
How to submit http form using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1273998/how-to-submit-http-form-using-c-sharp that receives a GET response. Are you using this in custom CC form Whatever your purpose just replace the String fields username..
How to Generate Unique Public and Private Key via RSA http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307204/how-to-generate-unique-public-and-private-key-via-rsa Key via RSA I am building a custom shopping cart where CC numbers and Exp date will be stored in a database until processing.. and private keys and re encrypt all currently stored CC numbers with the new public key . My problem is that the keys..
Read from .msg files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15880/read-from-msg-files 3rd party libraries to do that I want to extract From To CC and BCC fields. Sent Receive date fields would be good if they.. libraries to do that I want to extract From To CC and BCC fields. Sent Receive date fields would be good if they are also..
How to send email in asp.net C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18326738/how-to-send-email-in-asp-net-c-sharp true MailMessage mail new MailMessage Setting From To and CC mail.From new MailAddress info@MyWebsiteDomainName MyWeb Site.. mail.To.Add new MailAddress info@MyWebsiteDomainName mail.CC.Add new MailAddress MyEmailID@gmail.com smtpClient.Send mail..
Storing credit card details http://stackoverflow.com/questions/206438/storing-credit-card-details avoid by all means taking the responsiblity to save the CC details on your side however I can assume you are using a thirdparty.. whatever most of them have API's that enables you to save CC credentials at their side and they give you back a key that..
How do I get latest clearcase label programmatically from C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268595/how-do-i-get-latest-clearcase-label-programmatically-from-c since we changed our source code control from VSS to CC. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks c# clearcase.. . In VB with CAL API that would give something like Dim CC As New ClearCase.Application Dim labelID As String Set aVersion.. ClearCase.Application Dim labelID As String Set aVersion CC.Version Path To BuildDCP.bat Set someLabels Ver.Labels If someLabels.Count..
Parse email content from quoted reply http://stackoverflow.com/questions/278788/parse-email-content-from-quoted-reply you can then remove the external text such as To From CC etc... lines and you're done. If the messages you are working..
Split String into smaller Strings by length variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3008718/split-string-into-smaller-strings-by-length-variable yet understandable version. Example string x AAABBBCC string arr x.SplitByLength 3 arr 0 AAA arr 1 BBB arr 2 CC c#.. string arr x.SplitByLength 3 arr 0 AAA arr 1 BBB arr 2 CC c# .net algorithm string share improve this question You..