c# Programming Glossary: cert
Get MIME type from filename extension http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029740/get-mime-type-from-filename-extension aiff .cdf application x cdf .cer application x x509 ca cert .chm application octet stream .class application x java applet.. .crl application pkix crl .crt application x x509 ca cert .cs text plain .csdproj text plain .csh application x csh .csproj.. application octet stream .der application x x509 ca cert .dgml application xml .dib image bmp .dif video x dv .dir application..
“An internal error occurred.” when loading pfx file with X509Certificate2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1345262/an-internal-error-occurred-when-loading-pfx-file-with-x509certificate2 pfx file with X509Certificate2 I'm trying use self signed certificate c# X509Certificate2 cert new X509Certificate2 Server.MapPath.. I'm trying use self signed certificate c# X509Certificate2 cert new X509Certificate2 Server.MapPath ~ App_Data myhost.pfx pass.. file loads Ok . I made pfx on my dev mochine like that makecert r n CN myhost.com E admin@myhost.com sky exchange b 01 01 2009..
How to move a ClickOnce deployment package http://stackoverflow.com/questions/174764/how-to-move-a-clickonce-deployment-package MageUI.exe to modify the deployment URL but it asks for a certificate which I don't have. What am I doing wrong and how do.. get you going. ClickOnce manifests must be signed with a certificate for security reasons. You can purchase a code signing.. for security reasons. You can purchase a code signing certificate or generate a test one. The main drawback of a test certificate..
Is it possible to programmatically generate an X509 certificate using only C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770233/is-it-possible-to-programmatically-generate-an-x509-certificate-using-only-c it possible to programmatically generate an X509 certificate using only C# We're trying to generate an X509 certificate.. using only C# We're trying to generate an X509 certificate including the private key programmatically using C# and.. sample by Felix Kollmann but the private key part of the certificate returns null. Code and unit test are as below using System..
How to set read permission on the private key file of X.509 certificate from .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/425688/how-to-set-read-permission-on-the-private-key-file-of-x-509-certificate-from-ne to set read permission on the private key file of X.509 certificate from .NET Here is the code to add a pfx to the Cert.. store.Open OpenFlags.ReadWrite X509Certificate2 cert new X509Certificate2 test.pfx password store.Add cert store.Close.. cert new X509Certificate2 test.pfx password store.Add cert store.Close However I couldn't find a way to set permission..
Using a self-signed certificate with .NET's HttpWebRequest/Response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/526711/using-a-self-signed-certificate-with-nets-httpwebrequest-response a self signed certificate with .NET's HttpWebRequest Response I'm trying to connect.. trying to connect to an API that uses a self signed SSL certificate. I'm doing so using .NET's HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse.. how do I go about adding an exception for this self signed certificate Or is the approach to tell HttpWebRequest Response not..
How do I use WebRequest to access an SSL encrypted site using https? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/560804/how-do-i-use-webrequest-to-access-an-ssl-encrypted-site-using-https users may be providing urls to sites that have invalid ssl certs installed. You can ignore those cert problems if you put this.. have invalid ssl certs installed. You can ignore those cert problems if you put this line in before you make the actual.. certification System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain..
How can I install a certificate into the local machine store programmatically using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/566570/how-can-i-install-a-certificate-into-the-local-machine-store-programmatically-us can I install a certificate into the local machine store programmatically using c#.. local machine store programmatically using c# I have a certificate generated via MakeCert. I want to use this certificate.. a certificate generated via MakeCert. I want to use this certificate for WCF message security using PeerTrust. How can I programmatically..
Using SSL and SslStream for peer to peer authentication? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/695802/using-ssl-and-sslstream-for-peer-to-peer-authentication like to use SSL and the SslStream class and self signed certificates. What I want to do is validate the remote process's.. What I want to do is validate the remote process's certificate against a known copy in my local application. There doesn't.. copy in my local application. There doesn't need to be a certificate authority because I intend for the certificates to be..