c# Programming Glossary: chain
C# constructor execution order http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1882692/c-sharp-constructor-execution-order are executed for the most derived type Constructor chaining works out which base class constructor is going to be called.. recurse all of this The constructor bodies in the chain in this class are executed note that there can be more than.. executed note that there can be more than one if they're chained with Foo this ... etc Note that in Java the base class is..
What does the tilde (~) mean in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188688/what-does-the-tilde-mean-in-c instance is destructed the destructors in its inheritance chain are called in order from most derived to least derived. Finalize..
Deep Null checking, is there a better way? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2080647/deep-null-checking-is-there-a-better-way there should perhaps be an easier way to check the entire chain and see if it comes up against a null variable property. So..
Enumerate windows like alt-tab does http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210504/enumerate-windows-like-alt-tab-does Tab window here. For each visible window walk up its owner chain until you find the root owner. Then walk back down the visible.. owner. Then walk back down the visible last active popup chain until you find a visible window. If you're back to where you're..
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2859790/the-request-was-aborted-could-not-create-ssl-tls-secure-channel object sender X509Certificate certificate X509Chain chain SslPolicyErrors policyErrors return true The problem is that..
Using a self-signed certificate with .NET's HttpWebRequest/Response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/526711/using-a-self-signed-certificate-with-nets-httpwebrequest-response used to authenticate the remote party. param param name chain The chain of certificate authorities associated with the remote.. authenticate the remote party. param param name chain The chain of certificate authorities associated with the remote certificate... object sender X509Certificate cert X509Chain chain SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors if sslPolicyErrors SslPolicyErrors.None..
How do I use WebRequest to access an SSL encrypted site using https? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/560804/how-do-i-use-webrequest-to-access-an-ssl-encrypted-site-using-https System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors return true..
What is the use of a static class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/576853/what-is-the-use-of-a-static-class constructor and all members must be static . see comment chain you can optionally have a type initializer static constructor..
Clipboard event C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621577/clipboard-event-c-sharp There's more to be done passing things along the clipboard chain and unregistering your view but you can get that from the article..
Could not establish trust relationship for SSL/TLS secure channel — SOAP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/703272/could-not-establish-trust-relationship-for-ssl-tls-secure-channel-soap so may impact regular SOAP is there a certificate trust chain issue if you browse from the server to the soap service can..
“The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.” using Gmail SMTP server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777607/the-remote-certificate-is-invalid-according-to-the-validation-procedure-using delegate object s X509Certificate certificate X509Chain chain SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors return true share improve..
Entity Framework 4.1. Most efficient way to get multiple entities by primary key? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8107439/entity-framework-4-1-most-efficient-way-to-get-multiple-entities-by-primary-key tree which will be created is expanded into a long chain of OR concatenations because there is no native expression which..
What is quicker, switch on string or elseif on type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/94305/what-is-quicker-switch-on-string-or-elseif-on-type in your own system to get an accurate answer. The If Else chain is an effective approach for a small number of type comparisons.. on strings generates code that is the same as an if else chain. switch someString case Foo DoFoo break case Bar DoBar break.. entirely of the type that is checked first in the if else chain that method is much faster Testing 3 iterations with 5 000 000..