c# Programming Glossary: categoryid
Subsonic 3 - SimpleRepository http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1176594/subsonic-3-simplerepository name product.name description product.description categoryId product.CategoryId category categoryItem share improve this..
Compare nullable types in Linq to Sql http://stackoverflow.com/questions/586097/compare-nullable-types-in-linq-to-sql ParentId field. When the method below is executing and the categoryId is null the result seems null however there are categories which.. missing public IEnumerable ICategory GetSubCategories long categoryId var subCategories this.Repository.Categories.Where c c.ParentId.. this.Repository.Categories.Where c c.ParentId categoryId .ToList .Cast ICategory return subCategories By the way when..
ebay api - returning auctions ending later than 10 days http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6929259/ebay-api-returning-auctions-ending-later-than-10-days APPNAME AlexGo hiddin 821eee8 RESPONSE DATA FORMAT XML categoryId 307 paginationInput.entriesPerPage 100 paginationInput.pageNumber.. APPNAME ENTER APP ID HERE RESPONSE DATA FORMAT XML categoryId 307 paginationInput.entriesPerPage 100 paginationInput.pageNumber.. APPNAME ENTER APP ID HERE RESPONSE DATA FORMAT XML categoryId 307 paginationInput.entriesPerPage 100 paginationInput.pageNumber..
Generic LINQ query predicate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125400/generic-linq-query-predicate to the query methods like var query dataSource.Where CategoryID 2 UnitPrice 3 .OrderBy SupplierID Edit Found two really nice..
What is the fastest way to read data from a DbDataReader? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5758526/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-read-data-from-a-dbdatareader using connection SqlCommand command new SqlCommand SELECT CategoryID CategoryName FROM dbo.Categories SELECT EmployeeID LastName..
What is the point of creating foreign key properties when using Entity Framework Code First? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9253234/what-is-the-point-of-creating-foreign-key-properties-when-using-entity-framework Name get set public DateTime DateAdded get set public Guid CategoryID get set Seemingly redundant property public virtual Category.. the Code First C# object In the above example you can omit CategoryID from the Product class and everything will work just fine. The.. it really confuses things to have both a Category and CategoryID property. So before I go around and remove all my foreign key..