android Programming Glossary: urlspan
Open TextView links at another activity, not default browser Step #2 Run a bulk conversion of all of the URLSpan objects to be YourCustomClickableSpan objects. I have a utility.. RichTextUtils.replaceAll Spanned yourTextView.getText URLSpan.class new URLSpanConverter with a custom URLSpanConverter.. Spanned yourTextView.getText URLSpan.class new URLSpanConverter with a custom URLSpanConverter like this class URLSpanConverter..
android span click event span int flags html.getSpanFlags span if span instanceof URLSpan URLSpan urlSpan URLSpan span span new CallbackSpan urlSpan.getURL.. flags html.getSpanFlags span if span instanceof URLSpan URLSpan urlSpan URLSpan span span new CallbackSpan urlSpan.getURL message.setSpan.. span if span instanceof URLSpan URLSpan urlSpan URLSpan span span new CallbackSpan urlSpan.getURL message.setSpan span..
Hyperlink in Android 0 6 Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ss.setSpan new URLSpan tel 4155551212 13 17 Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE TextView..
Remove underline from links in TextView - Android You can do it in code by finding and replacing the URLSpan instances with versions that don't underline. After you call.. TextView textView Spannable s Spannable textView.getText URLSpan spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans.. textView.getText URLSpan spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans int start s.getSpanStart span..
Android: textview hyperlink to strip the link underline . Create a class public class URLSpanNoUnderline extends URLSpan public URLSpanNoUnderline String.. . Create a class public class URLSpanNoUnderline extends URLSpan public URLSpanNoUnderline String url super url @Override public.. public class URLSpanNoUnderline extends URLSpan public URLSpanNoUnderline String url super url @Override public void updateDrawState..
Open TextView links at another activity, not default browser what you want in its onClick method e.g. called YourCustomClickableSpan Step #2 Run a bulk conversion of all of the URLSpan objects to be YourCustomClickableSpan objects. I have a utility class for this public class RichTextUtils public static.. A span You would use it like this yourTextView.setText RichTextUtils.replaceAll Spanned yourTextView.getText URLSpan.class new URLSpanConverter with a custom URLSpanConverter like this class URLSpanConverter implements RichTextUtils.SpanConverter.. use it like this yourTextView.setText RichTextUtils.replaceAll Spanned yourTextView.getText URLSpan.class new URLSpanConverter with a custom URLSpanConverter like this class URLSpanConverter implements RichTextUtils.SpanConverter URLSpan..
android span click event int start html.getSpanStart span int end html.getSpanEnd span int flags html.getSpanFlags span if span instanceof URLSpan URLSpan urlSpan URLSpan span span new CallbackSpan urlSpan.getURL message.setSpan span start end flags tv.setText message.. start html.getSpanStart span int end html.getSpanEnd span int flags html.getSpanFlags span if span instanceof URLSpan URLSpan urlSpan URLSpan span span new CallbackSpan urlSpan.getURL message.setSpan span start end flags tv.setText message public.. span int end html.getSpanEnd span int flags html.getSpanFlags span if span instanceof URLSpan URLSpan urlSpan URLSpan span span new CallbackSpan urlSpan.getURL message.setSpan span start end flags tv.setText message public String explode..
Hyperlink in Android to dial the phone. ss.setSpan new StyleSpan Typeface.ITALIC 0 6 Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ss.setSpan new URLSpan tel 4155551212 13 17 Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE TextView t4 TextView findViewById t4.setText ss t4.setMovementMethod..
Remove underline from links in TextView - Android hyperlink textview underline share improve this question You can do it in code by finding and replacing the URLSpan instances with versions that don't underline. After you call Linkify.addLinks call the function stripUnderlines pasted below.. below on each of your TextView s private void stripUnderlines TextView textView Spannable s Spannable textView.getText URLSpan spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans int start s.getSpanStart span int end s.getSpanEnd span.. void stripUnderlines TextView textView Spannable s Spannable textView.getText URLSpan spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans int start s.getSpanStart span int end s.getSpanEnd span s.removeSpan span span new URLSpanNoUnderline..
Android: textview hyperlink LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Then if you want to strip the link underline . Create a class public class URLSpanNoUnderline extends URLSpan public URLSpanNoUnderline String url super url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint.. Then if you want to strip the link underline . Create a class public class URLSpanNoUnderline extends URLSpan public URLSpanNoUnderline String url super url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint ds super.updateDrawState.. Then if you want to strip the link underline . Create a class public class URLSpanNoUnderline extends URLSpan public URLSpanNoUnderline String url super url @Override public void updateDrawState TextPaint ds super.updateDrawState ds ds.setUnderlineText..