android Programming Glossary: transparency
How to make a background transparent 20% in android is a color in the background i.e. white android textview transparency share improve this question Make the color have 80 in the..
Android - Crop an image from multipoints a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency and trying to implement it but unfortunatly it does not clip..
High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError and dithering . Your image is JPEG so it doesn't have transparency so you are wasting 1 byte on every pixel for alpha channel...
Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why? are shown with a circle texture rendered onto it the transparency is working because you can see the black background. Here is..
ListSelector applies to the entire list of the same color each mixed down in Gimp with a different transparency on the color layer. So when you select an item you get an overlay..
android video, hear sound but no video SurfaceHolder holder v.getHolder Set the transparency getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN Set a size for the..
How to make button with custom background image show click animation in Android is the hex code for fully opaque red first two digits are transparency then it's RR GG BB. . You can make your ImageViews look like..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow It still won't draw the shadow directly to my bitmap's transparency though so I'm still working on that. @Override protected void..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service in onCreate . More important to ensure transparency @android style Theme.Translucent is entered under Theme tag..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue blending mode in Photoshop where the graphic retains its transparency and luminosity and only modifies the color of the image. For..
Understanding Canvas and Surface concepts SurfaceView also fills its part of the main window with transparency so that the surface can be seen. A Bitmap is just an interface..
android:dither=“true” does not dither, what's wrong? and used your solution Create the png in photoshop with transparency set AND having at least one pixel using the alpha. Actually..
Android WebView style background-color:transparent ignored on android 2.2 to make it really transparent android background webview transparency transparent share improve this question This worked for..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime and compiled . The source version is where you add the 1px transparency border everywhere when you compile your app into a .apk later..
Understanding colors in Android! (6 chars) of my LinearLayout and I get a background gray with some transparency. gradient android startColor #b4555555 android endColor #b4555555.. the last two chars 55 I get a solid color loosing the transparency. I was trying to find a page where I can see some explanation..
How to get shadow on android linear layout? [duplicate] with round corners and the background should have some transparency. For this I'm using this xml it works fine customshape.xml shape.. a shadow but that will not work for me as my layout have transparency so that will not look very good. How can I get a nice looking..
Android transparent canvas (surfaceview) mThread.isAlive mThread.setRunning false android canvas transparency draw share improve this question In the constructor setZOrderOnTop..
Overlapping Views in Android view share improve this question Android handles transparency across views and drawables including PNG images natively so..
How to make a background transparent 20% in android about 20 transparent not fully transparent where there is a color in the background i.e. white android textview transparency share improve this question Make the color have 80 in the alpha channel for example for red use #CCFF0000 . TextView..
Android - Crop an image from multipoints by coordinates. I'm following the answer from this thread Cutting a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency and trying to implement it but unfortunatly it does not clip the image. I did as in the description but it seems there's..
High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError 4 bytes per pixel. Very good article Bitmap quality banding and dithering . Your image is JPEG so it doesn't have transparency so you are wasting 1 byte on every pixel for alpha channel. It's not very probable but maybe with acceptable quality you..
Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why? a screenshot of the emulator working. The underlaying triangles are shown with a circle texture rendered onto it the transparency is working because you can see the black background. Here is a shot of what the droid does with the exact same code on it..
ListSelector applies to the entire list files. Each saved with the gamma layer. In my case it's two of the same color each mixed down in Gimp with a different transparency on the color layer. So when you select an item you get an overlay with 25 color and when you press it you get a png with..
android video, hear sound but no video R.layout.video_test SurfaceView v SurfaceView findViewById SurfaceHolder holder v.getHolder Set the transparency getWindow .setFormat PixelFormat.UNKNOWN Set a size for the video screen holder.addCallback this holder.setFixedSize 400..
How to make button with custom background image show click animation in Android That applies a red overlay to the button the color code is the hex code for fully opaque red first two digits are transparency then it's RR GG BB. . You can make your ImageViews look like normal buttons by copying the btn_default_normal.9.png file..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow working now for plain rectangular images with the below code. It still won't draw the shadow directly to my bitmap's transparency though so I'm still working on that. @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service translucent background. Such activity does not have line super.setContentView in onCreate . More important to ensure transparency @android style Theme.Translucent is entered under Theme tag for this activity in AndroidManifest.xml GUI. So new line added..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue What I'm ideally looking for is something like the Color blending mode in Photoshop where the graphic retains its transparency and luminosity and only modifies the color of the image. For example becomes After doing some research it appears that the..
Understanding Canvas and Surface concepts the surface is being placed behind the main window in Z order SurfaceView also fills its part of the main window with transparency so that the surface can be seen. A Bitmap is just an interface to some pixel data. The pixels may be allocated by Bitmap..
android:dither=“true” does not dither, what's wrong? this question Ran into this problem too today and found and used your solution Create the png in photoshop with transparency set AND having at least one pixel using the alpha. Actually what i did is set the layer to a 99 opacity. Doesn't affect..
Android WebView style background-color:transparent ignored on android 2.2 2.1. So is there something to add in the html page code to make it really transparent android background webview transparency transparent share improve this question This worked for me mWebView.setBackgroundColor 0x00000000 share improve this..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime types of ninepatch file formats in the Android world source and compiled . The source version is where you add the 1px transparency border everywhere when you compile your app into a .apk later aapt will convert your .9.png files to the binary format that..
Understanding colors in Android! (6 chars) colors work in android. I have this color set as background of my LinearLayout and I get a background gray with some transparency. gradient android startColor #b4555555 android endColor #b4555555 android angle 270.0 If I remove the last two chars 55.. android endColor #b4555555 android angle 270.0 If I remove the last two chars 55 I get a solid color loosing the transparency. I was trying to find a page where I can see some explanation about this but coudnt find it. This may be a beginners question..
How to get shadow on android linear layout? [duplicate] shadow to a View in android In my Android app I need a layout with round corners and the background should have some transparency. For this I'm using this xml it works fine customshape.xml shape android shape rectangle gradient android startColor #E2FFFFFF.. hack where you put another layout behind to make it look like a shadow but that will not work for me as my layout have transparency so that will not look very good. How can I get a nice looking shadow on my layout without using an image as background of..
Android transparent canvas (surfaceview) public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if mThread.isAlive mThread.setRunning false android canvas transparency draw share improve this question In the constructor setZOrderOnTop true After holder.addCallback this holder.setFormat..
Overlapping Views in Android to this item name android background #00000000 item java android view share improve this question Android handles transparency across views and drawables including PNG images natively so the scenario you describe a partially transparent ImageView..