

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:46

android Programming Glossary: transitions

Is there any useful Android Animation Tutorial for beginners? [closed]


any good android animation tutorials to do in views or the transitions A complete tutorial or guide may help alot. android animation..

Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements


are bed at best. Android platform is a nightmare page transitions don't work smoothly not to mention lacking CSS CSS3 implementation... has a lacking CSS3 implementation thou much better page transitions. To make this short native apps will always have a better user..

Blinking/flickering with JQM and PhoneGap on Android


2.3.3 and up . On the pages I use fixed headers and no transitions at all. Rest is pretty much standard jQuery. When I am navigating.. one https github.com watusi jquery.mobile.simultaneous transitions Still a brief full white page blink before transistion. It really.. It really seems that it has nothing to do with animation transitions of the page itself but something strange that is happening right..

How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities?


machine for example there is an Activity to login in that transitions to a main menu Activity which can transition to other activities..

Android: What is better - multiple activities or switching views manually?


implement Back yourself you don't get any inter Activity transitions you have to implement a lot of internal logic to resume an application..

Force Screen On


Focusable EditText inside ListView


a single item in the list so that the selector seamlessly transitions from selecting the entire row for non focusable items and traversing..

Android: How can i make my page slide as the user slides finger on the screen?


do this using touch control. Note these are whole screen transitions not panning around on an existing page. For panning e.g. on..

Animation transition between activities using FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP


transition I use these as the enterAnim and exitAnim transitions push_right_in.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 set xmlns android..

How can I add an animation to the activity finish()


calling after finish in my case i have done it to avoid transitions. finish Details.this.overridePendingTransition R.anim.nothing..

Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread?


new in GB and async but always safe careful of lifecycle transitions . You can use reflection to conditionally call apply on GB and..

Capture picture from WebView


as inputs and moves through a series of state action transitions to the point where it decides it genuinely has a new picture...

android camera surfaceview orientation


you may know is quite an expensive operation causing the transitions to be not so smooth. When i force the orientation to landscape..

Pick up the Android version in the browser by Javascript


Javascript I'm building a web app and wanting to disable transitions effects on Android devices under version 3.0. Is there anyway..

Android Fragment standard transition not animating


but no one seems to be having issues with the standard transitions. I've tested this on a 3.2.1 Motorola Xoom 2.3 Galaxy Tab 7.. those worked I ended up using them instead of standard transitions. Right now im using ft.setCustomAnimations android.R.anim.fade_in..

Is there any useful Android Animation Tutorial for beginners? [closed]


Android Animation Tutorial for beginners closed Is there any good android animation tutorials to do in views or the transitions A complete tutorial or guide may help alot. android animation transition share improve this question If you want to..

Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements


to smoothly run a hybrid app mobile JavaScript capabilities are bed at best. Android platform is a nightmare page transitions don't work smoothly not to mention lacking CSS CSS3 implementation. If you think native Android 2.X and 4.X have differences.. bad JavaScript CSS implementation. iOS fares better but still has a lacking CSS3 implementation thou much better page transitions. To make this short native apps will always have a better user experience and general feeling. You will spend much more..

Blinking/flickering with JQM and PhoneGap on Android


jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 for my app on the Android platform version 2.3.3 and up . On the pages I use fixed headers and no transitions at all. Rest is pretty much standard jQuery. When I am navigating from page to page I get a white blink entire page for.. visibility hidden To bad still no luck. Also tried this one https github.com watusi jquery.mobile.simultaneous transitions Still a brief full white page blink before transistion. It really seems that it has nothing to do with animation transitions.. Still a brief full white page blink before transistion. It really seems that it has nothing to do with animation transitions of the page itself but something strange that is happening right after unloading the old page and right before loading the..

How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities?


workflows are similar to what you might see on a Bank's ATM machine for example there is an Activity to login in that transitions to a main menu Activity which can transition to other activities based on the user's choices. Since we have so many workflows..

Android: What is better - multiple activities or switching views manually?


switching its own views you miss out on so much. You have to implement Back yourself you don't get any inter Activity transitions you have to implement a lot of internal logic to resume an application in the correct state. If you don't partition your..

Force Screen On


Focusable EditText inside ListView


items are focusable or not I want to set focusability for a single item in the list so that the selector seamlessly transitions from selecting the entire row for non focusable items and traversing the focus tree for items that contain focusable children...

Android: How can i make my page slide as the user slides finger on the screen?


from one screen to another and then in the second part how to do this using touch control. Note these are whole screen transitions not panning around on an existing page. For panning e.g. on an oversized image that doesn't fit in the screen check out..

Animation transition between activities using FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP


int exitAnim To specifically get the standard back button transition I use these as the enterAnim and exitAnim transitions push_right_in.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 set xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android translate android..

How can I add an animation to the activity finish()


this question i can override a pending transition just calling after finish in my case i have done it to avoid transitions. finish Details.this.overridePendingTransition R.anim.nothing R.anim.nothing Order is important Hope it helps to someone..

Should accessing SharedPreferences be done off the UI Thread?


SharedPreferenced Editor.apply instead of commit . apply is new in GB and async but always safe careful of lifecycle transitions . You can use reflection to conditionally call apply on GB and commit on Froyo or below. I'll be doing a blogpost with sample..

Capture picture from WebView


a page loading FSM which uses the events and timer expiry as inputs and moves through a series of state action transitions to the point where it decides it genuinely has a new picture. Not pretty but it works with very few cases where it captures..

android camera surfaceview orientation


the orientation changes it calls Camera.open ... which as you may know is quite an expensive operation causing the transitions to be not so smooth. When i force the orientation to landscape the preview is great. Create only gets called once which..

Pick up the Android version in the browser by Javascript


up the Android version in the browser by Javascript I'm building a web app and wanting to disable transitions effects on Android devices under version 3.0. Is there anyway to pick up the Android version number by Javascript in the..

Android Fragment standard transition not animating


the custom animation were broken in the compatibility library but no one seems to be having issues with the standard transitions. I've tested this on a 3.2.1 Motorola Xoom 2.3 Galaxy Tab 7 2.2 emulator and even on a HTC G2 with 2.3.4. What could be.. custom animations and while this wasnt my exact problem once those worked I ended up using them instead of standard transitions. Right now im using ft.setCustomAnimations android.R.anim.fade_in android.R.anim.fade_out android.R.anim.fade_in android.R.anim.fade_out..