android Programming Glossary: sztext
Custom notification layouts and text colors final TextView text TextView gp.getChildAt i final String szText text.getText .toString if COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP.equals szText.. text.getText .toString if COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP.equals szText notification_text_color text.getTextColors .getDefaultColor..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] iEventType xppParses.getEventType String szTag String szText boolean bStep false int iLat 0 int iLong 0 while iEventType.. iEventType XmlPullParser.TEXT if szTag.equals points szText else szText xppParses.getText .trim else if iEventType.. if szTag.equals points szText else szText xppParses.getText .trim else if iEventType XmlPullParser.END_TAG..
Custom notification layouts and text colors int i 0 i count i if gp.getChildAt i instanceof TextView final TextView text TextView gp.getChildAt i final String szText text.getText .toString if COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP.equals szText notification_text_color text.getTextColors .getDefaultColor.. TextView text TextView gp.getChildAt i final String szText text.getText .toString if COLOR_SEARCH_RECURSE_TIP.equals szText notification_text_color text.getTextColors .getDefaultColor notification_text_size text.getTextSize DisplayMetrics metrics..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] xppParses.setInput new StringReader szXml int iEventType xppParses.getEventType String szTag String szText boolean bStep false int iLat 0 int iLong 0 while iEventType XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT iEventType if.. xppParses.getName if szTag.equals step bStep true else if iEventType XmlPullParser.TEXT if szTag.equals points szText else szText xppParses.getText .trim else if iEventType XmlPullParser.END_TAG if xppParses.getName .equals step .. if szTag.equals step bStep true else if iEventType XmlPullParser.TEXT if szTag.equals points szText else szText xppParses.getText .trim else if iEventType XmlPullParser.END_TAG if xppParses.getName .equals step bStep false ..