android Programming Glossary: systemclock.uptimemillis
Inject motion event via windowmanger? 0 .y 200 int ptrs 0 MotionEvent event MotionEvent.obtain SystemClock.uptimeMillis SystemClock.uptimeMillis action 1 ptrs coords 0 1 1 0 0 InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHPAD.. event MotionEvent.obtain SystemClock.uptimeMillis SystemClock.uptimeMillis action 1 ptrs coords 0 1 1 0 0 InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHPAD 0..
android CountDownTimer - additional milliseconds delay between ticks start if mMillisInFuture 0 onFinish return this mNextTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStopTimeInFuture mNextTime mMillisInFuture mNextTime mCountdownInterval.. final long millisLeft mStopTimeInFuture SystemClock.uptimeMillis if millisLeft 0 onFinish else onTick millisLeft Calculate.. the intervals that were already missed long currentTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis do mNextTime mCountdownInterval while currentTime mNextTime..
OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations a rotation transformation for the triangle long time SystemClock.uptimeMillis 4000L float mAngle 0.090f int time Matrix.setRotateM mRotationMatrix..
Move markers in google map v2 android final Handler handler new Handler final long start SystemClock.uptimeMillis Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint.. new Runnable @Override public void run long elapsed SystemClock.uptimeMillis start float t interpolator.getInterpolation float elapsed ..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer 200 void startFade mFadeDuration FADE_DURATION mStartTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStarted true int getAlpha if mStarted return ALPHA_MAX.. if mStarted return ALPHA_MAX int alpha long now SystemClock.uptimeMillis if now mStartTime mFadeDuration alpha 0 else alpha int ALPHA_MAX..
How to simulate a touch event in Android? return true Obtain MotionEvent object long downTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis long eventTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis 100 float x 0.0f float.. long downTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis long eventTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis 100 float x 0.0f float y 0.0f List of meta states found here..
How to detect android cpu speed?
Android: How to create a MotionEvent? a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis . eventTime The the time in ms when this specific event was.. specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis . action The kind of action being performed one of either ACTION_DOWN..
OnTap listener implementation TODO Auto generated method stub if firstTap thisTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis firstTap false else prevTime thisTime thisTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis.. firstTap false else prevTime thisTime thisTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis Check that thisTime is greater than prevTime just incase system..
Android: DigitalClock remove seconds DateFormat.format mFormat mCalendar invalidate long now SystemClock.uptimeMillis long next now 1000 now 1000 mHandler.postAtTime mTicker next..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? 1000L 25L void tick if mWhen 1L mWhen 0 mStart SystemClock.uptimeMillis else long mDiff SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStart mWhen int.. mWhen 0 mStart SystemClock.uptimeMillis else long mDiff SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStart mWhen int mDiff mNyanDuration void nyanNyan Canvas..
Inject motion event via windowmanger? coords new MotionEvent.PointerCoords coords 0 .x 200 coords 0 .y 200 int ptrs 0 MotionEvent event MotionEvent.obtain SystemClock.uptimeMillis SystemClock.uptimeMillis action 1 ptrs coords 0 1 1 0 0 InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHPAD 0 windowManager.injectPointerEvent event.. coords 0 .x 200 coords 0 .y 200 int ptrs 0 MotionEvent event MotionEvent.obtain SystemClock.uptimeMillis SystemClock.uptimeMillis action 1 ptrs coords 0 1 1 0 0 InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHPAD 0 windowManager.injectPointerEvent event false the problem is..
android CountDownTimer - additional milliseconds delay between ticks Change start public synchronized final MoreAccurateTimer start if mMillisInFuture 0 onFinish return this mNextTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStopTimeInFuture mNextTime mMillisInFuture mNextTime mCountdownInterval mHandler.sendMessageAtTime mHandler.obtainMessage.. public void handleMessage Message msg synchronized MoreAccurateTimer.this final long millisLeft mStopTimeInFuture SystemClock.uptimeMillis if millisLeft 0 onFinish else onTick millisLeft Calculate next tick by adding the countdown interval from the original.. the original start time If user's onTick took too long skip the intervals that were already missed long currentTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis do mNextTime mCountdownInterval while currentTime mNextTime Make sure this interval doesn't exceed the stop time if..
OpenGL ES Android Matrix Transformations 0 0.5f 0 0 translation to the left Then rotation Create a rotation transformation for the triangle long time SystemClock.uptimeMillis 4000L float mAngle 0.090f int time Matrix.setRotateM mRotationMatrix 0 mAngle 0 0 1.0f Combine rotation and translation..
Move markers in google map v2 android Marker marker final LatLng toPosition final boolean hideMarker final Handler handler new Handler final long start SystemClock.uptimeMillis Projection proj mGoogleMapObject.getProjection Point startPoint proj.toScreenLocation marker.getPosition final LatLng startLatLng.. Interpolator interpolator new LinearInterpolator new Runnable @Override public void run long elapsed SystemClock.uptimeMillis start float t interpolator.getInterpolation float elapsed duration double lng t toPosition.longitude 1 t startLatLng.longitude..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer final int ALPHA_MAX 200 static final long FADE_DURATION 200 void startFade mFadeDuration FADE_DURATION mStartTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStarted true int getAlpha if mStarted return ALPHA_MAX int alpha long now SystemClock.uptimeMillis if now mStartTime.. mStartTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStarted true int getAlpha if mStarted return ALPHA_MAX int alpha long now SystemClock.uptimeMillis if now mStartTime mFadeDuration alpha 0 else alpha int ALPHA_MAX now mStartTime ALPHA_MAX mFadeDuration return alpha..
How to simulate a touch event in Android? View touched Toast.LENGTH_LONG return true Obtain MotionEvent object long downTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis long eventTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis 100 float x 0.0f float y 0.0f List of meta states found here return true Obtain MotionEvent object long downTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis long eventTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis 100 float x 0.0f float y 0.0f List of meta states found here reference android view KeyEvent.html#getMetaState..
How to detect android cpu speed?
Android: How to create a MotionEvent? The time in ms when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis . eventTime The the time in ms when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis.. . eventTime The the time in ms when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis . action The kind of action being performed one of either ACTION_DOWN ACTION_MOVE ACTION_UP or ACTION_CANCEL . x The X coordinate..
OnTap listener implementation @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event TODO Auto generated method stub if firstTap thisTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis firstTap false else prevTime thisTime thisTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis Check that thisTime is greater than prevTime.. method stub if firstTap thisTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis firstTap false else prevTime thisTime thisTime SystemClock.uptimeMillis Check that thisTime is greater than prevTime just incase system clock reset to zero if thisTime prevTime Check if times..
Android: DigitalClock remove seconds mCalendar.setTimeInMillis System.currentTimeMillis setText DateFormat.format mFormat mCalendar invalidate long now SystemClock.uptimeMillis long next now 1000 now 1000 mHandler.postAtTime mTicker next @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? mNyanNyan if isVisible mNyanHandler.postDelayed mNyanNyan 1000L 25L void tick if mWhen 1L mWhen 0 mStart SystemClock.uptimeMillis else long mDiff SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStart mWhen int mDiff mNyanDuration void nyanNyan Canvas canvas mNyanNyan 1000L 25L void tick if mWhen 1L mWhen 0 mStart SystemClock.uptimeMillis else long mDiff SystemClock.uptimeMillis mStart mWhen int mDiff mNyanDuration void nyanNyan Canvas canvas canvas.scale mScaleX mScaleY mNyan.setTime..